“Jesus Alex. That girl is too sweet for you.” I cringe.

“Yeah, I know.” He shrugs with a big grin. “She got into Drexton for Ice Dancing. She’s really good! That’s kind of how I found your story.” Alex’s playful grin quickly disappears. “This is why I have to come here. I screwed up when the scouts came. My nerves got to me! I was a blubbering mess and played like I was an amateur.”

Sometimes I forget he has anxiety just like I do. It gets the better of us at the worst times. Usually he’s a lot better with handling it than I am.

“Alex, I have no idea how to help you with that.” I reach across the table and grab his arm. “We can figure something out. Even if you end up in different schools, you can still visit each other.”

“You’re right, but I’m going to do whatever I can to get in here.” He’s determined to make it in.

Another way, we are so much alike. I know that look. Once he gets it in his head, he’ll stop at nothing to get what he wants. It’s the same look I get.

Layla clears her throat, breaking up our moment.

“Not to interrupt this very touching moment, but there’s a party at the Hockey House and I think we can all use a little fun.” She gives us a big grin.

She wants to go see Greg. I’m not in the partying mood. I don’t want to see girls fawning over Nick after their big win.

“No! I’m not taking my seventeen-year-old brother to a college party, especially not at the Hockey House.” I object.

That’s another reason. No way should Alex go to one of their wild parties.

“Oh, come on Lenny! I’ve been to parties.” Alex pleads with his face lighting up.

“We can just hang in the back.” Layla suggests.

“We’ll all keep an eye on him.” Bridget wraps her arm around my shoulders.

I thought Bridget would be on my side.

I’m out numbered.

“Fine!” I give in, mostly because Alex looked so defeated before Layla suggested that party.

It has absolutely nothing to do with running into Nick.

He’s probably celebrating their win with some other girl already anyway. And it’d be none of my business. We’re just friends!

Chapter 26


Everyone is reeling from our big win.

The rest of the weekend is a big break for us before we take a road trip on Monday for a few away games.

Cases of beer are flooding into the house for an impromptu party to celebrate.

Furniture is moved to the side and the music is turned up in a matter of seconds.

The thought of a party has me wanting to hide out in my room, but I promised the guys I’d be here for them.

I need to be a team player.

I grab a beer and make my way to the back to set up the fire pit. I can still be involved and hang out in the back.

“Hey, the pit is usually my job.” Greg comes and helps me throw some wood in. “Layla’s coming by with Lenny and them.”

I can’t stop myself from perking up.