But where did Lenny go?

I look at every table and she isn’t here.

Did she leave? Why would she leave?

Me:Hey, where did you go?

No answer.

Me:Are you ok?

No answer.

Me:I’m sitting at the table in the back. No one else is here.

No answer.


Me:Is this about Cora?

Three dots appear.

Fuck, it’s about Cora.

Is that why she ran off?

Did Cora tell her to not talk to me?

Lenny:Yes, but this isn’t Lenny. She just passed me her phone and I saw you texted her. Are you fucking this girl, Cora? I think Lenny is saying something about broken ribs or being dead. Hard to say, her mouth is full.

Lenny:Something about her being a gazelle and Cora a beast or a lion. I don’t know. Again, it’s not really coherent.

Lenny:This is Bridget by the way. How’s the hickey? Did Cora see it? Am I going to have to hire a bodyguard for my friend?


I get up and throw the rest of my gyro out to run to the Alpha Sigma Alpha House.

Bridget has been sitting next to me in class since last week. She always brings up Lenny. Always talking about her. As if she’s trying to get me to like her or be with her. I thought it was cute.

Monday, she told me Lenny has been anxious since her brother is coming to visit and stay with them. Now, she has to deal with this.

Sounds like she’s freaking out over nothing. But still, I know Lenny. I know she’s freaking out right now. I have to clear the air. She has to know everything is fine.

The door is open when I get there. I walk right in hearing Lenny’s voice from the kitchen.

“I should’ve never had sex with him! What was I thinking?” She paces the kitchen with her back mostly to the door.

“Uh, Lenny.” Bridget points to me as I come to the doorway.

“I wasn’t thinking! Of course, he’s with Cora! With her perfect boobs and her perfect hair!” Lenny yells out her frustration. “I’m not jealous! Don’t say I’m jealous! I can see it on your face. Nick Miller is the last thing I need!”


“I need to focus on getting my degree and writing my articles and getting a job. Maybe I’ll leave. Transfer to some other school. California has a decent journalism program and it has hockey.” Lenny continues her babble.

“Len!” Bridget yells, but it’s no use.