Lenny is ignoring her. She’s ignoring everything around her.

“You’re right I can’t leave. Alex will get in for sure, and I want to be here for him even if it’s only for his freshman year. Then there’s my semi-scholarship I’d lose. I can’t do that to my parents. California is way too far away from home. Plus, you and Layla, I can’t just leave you guys. You’re my only friends.”

“Oh, my, god! Lenny!” Bridget tries again slamming her hands on the counter to get her attention.

It still doesn’t work.

“I mean leaving won’t be so bad. Hannah knows about me and Nick, it’s going to get out! Cora is going to kill me. Literally beat me down until I’m dead. Bridget, she’s scary.” She stops pacing to point at Bridget, still with her back to me.

“Len, Nick is here!” Bridget tries to get through to her yet again.

“I know! That’s why I should leave, right?” Her pacing continues. “I can’t stay away from him. He keeps saying he craves me, Bridg. Craves me! Who says that? If Nick Miller says he craves you, you fucking let him have you.”

Huh, I should say it more often.

She still hasn’t noticed I’m in the doorway.

“God, he’s right. It’s like a force pulling me to him. Unbearably attractive! It’s unbearable. And so good. Too good.” Lenny groans in frustration.

I can’t help but smirk, enjoying every little confession.

“I know, I hear you.” Bridget has given up.

“I can’t get him out of my head! It was only supposed to be one night. One night and he would forget I even exist. But those arms, and his eyes. I get lost in those sultry eyes. My knees get weak. Little sparks go off inside me. Ugh! Don’t get me started.” Lenny shivers and shakes her entire body

“I’m not.” Bridget groans.

“I get chills. Chills! It’s not normal! Like right now. Just talking about him it’s like I can feel his presence.”

“Or because he’s right here,” Bridget mumbles looking down at the food she just heated up.

“I can’t take it! Fuck Cora, and her perfect body, and her perfect hair! Who does she think she is?” She lets out another loud groan. “She called him Nicholas! That’s not even his name. Why does he have to like her? They’re probably off fucking right now.”

She’s hardly taking a breath between sentences, just rambling.

“She gets him. They both play hockey. He probably tells her he craves her tits. Why am I so jealous? Why her? Why him? Anyone but him, and I’d be like who cares? And move on. I don’t get like this. Did he bring her to his bed?”

“Nope.” I say, but Lenny doesn’t hear me.

“Does hecraveher like he says hecravesme?”

She does air quotes at the wrong time. It’s cute.

“Nope.” I say, again unnoticed.

“Am I just someone to get her jealous? Is he using me to get to her?”

“Definitely not.” I scoff.

For a second I think she hears me. Lenny pauses and holds her hands to her head, but then looks up taking a deep breath. She stretches both arms up overhead and lets out a loud humming breath.

Bridget shakes her head while sitting down at the counter eating the meal she made with her textbook open in front of her.

“Want some?” She asks me with her mouth full.

“No thanks. I’m good.” I cross my arms over my chest, leaning against the doorway, waiting.

Lenny stops whatever breathing exercise she’s trying to do and her entire body goes rigid.