Chapter 24
Being friends with Lenny is harder than I thought.
It took all my strength not to rip her clothes off in the middle of the quad while we laid there side by side.
She’s so easy to talk to and just hang out with, but with every slight brush of her hand or the way her legs rubbed against mine, I wanted to touch her more.
Being an athlete, I learned to control my emotions well.
If I’m upset over a play I learned to let it go.
I think I hid all of those sexual urges I was feeling for her very well.
Jogging the rest of the way home is the one thing I can do to not drag her up into her room. Gotta get the adrenaline out with a good run. It’s the next best way I can release it.
Once home, I head straight to the kitchen for a bottle of water. It’s not even midnight and the lights are all on.
A few guys are hanging out back around our makeshift fire pit, from what I see through the doors. A few more are playing video games, and I can hear music coming from the basement.
“Did you make up with Cora?” Luca asks, coming in to grab a beer from the fridge behind me.
“We have a game tomorrow,” I warned him, motioning to the bottle in his hand.
“Yeah, tomorrow night,” he argues. “This is only my second one and I don’t have class tomorrow morning so I plan to hit the gym before practice.”
Luca’s good, but I worry he thinks he’s invincible. No one’s invincible when it comes to this level. Being one of the top teams in the country, comes with high standards and tough competition. Anyone can waltz in and take your place with one slip.
“So where have you been? Did you make up with Cora?” He asks again.
“Fuck, no! That girl is insane. I told her off yesterday and haven’t heard from her since.” The female hockey team is away this weekend. I’m hoping her break away will knock some sense into her. “I was out for a run. “
“Were you tumbling around in the grass?” Luca picks a piece of grass off my ass. This kid is always finding ways to touch my ass. “You have grass stains on your shirt.”
“What did you do? Fall down a hill, old man?” Holt asks after coming up the basement steps.
Why am I the old man? Holt is the same age as me, I think even a few months older.
He grabs a beer, and leans on the counter waiting for me to talk. The music from the basement stops as two girls come walking out. Puck bunnies.
They each flirtatiously wave as they head out the door. Holt has a big smirk on his face.
“What makes me the old man? Last I checked you’re a few months older than me.” I try to ignore the two girls he undoubtedly hooked up with.
I’ve tried to tell him not to play around with those girls. Puck bunnies have trouble written all over them. Last year, one of the seniors got caught up in a pregnancy scandal. A puck bunny convinced him it was his.
Turned out it was one of the professors she’d been sleeping with. But I have to bring it up. These guys are my brothers, and sometimes they need to be reminded of safety.
“And, those girls are trouble.” I motion to the front door they just left through. “I don’t think I need to remind you about Mac. He almost stepped away from hockey to take care of a baby that wasn’t even his.”
“This is why you’re the old man!” He smirks. “I was here for that too. They can’t claim that on me when I’m not even having sex with them. I just like to get my cock sucked once in a while. Plus, you have your own girl problems to figure out. Has the beast been tamed?”
He’s talking about Cora. I can’t get away from talking about her.
“The team is away this weekend, so we’re good for now. I told her off the other day. I don’t know how she’ll take it, but I’m done with her. If we just ignore her, hopefully she’ll just go away.” It’s a stretch, but it’s what I’m hoping for.
Holt rolls his eyes, thinking the same thing I am.