It’s the reason I feel so confident when we’re together. He just makes me feel comfortable. I forget any hesitations or doubts I have when it’s justus.

It’s quiet after we’ve figured out all the constellations. Most we couldn’t find, but we tried and I was surprised at the amount we were able to see.

“I should get home,” I say after a bout of silence. “I have to get up early to get to the airport and pick up Alex.”

“I’ll walk you. How are you getting him without a license or a car?” Nick helps me up and walks beside me towards Sorority Row.

“I’m going to take a car service there and back with him.”

“Isn’t that a bit much?” He groans. “I have class tomorrow. I still can’t get over how you don’t have your license. If you did, I’d just let you take my car.”

“I live outside New York City. There’s no need to drive there. So, I never learned.” I shrug like it’s no big deal.

“Damn, Lenny. You're twenty-one! You should know how to drive. You’ve never driven even once?” He’s still in disbelief. “I was driving snow plows when I was fourteen!”

“Wow, it’s just different living so close to a city,” I argue. “There’s easy access to public transportation. Driving a car is just a waste. It takes longer to drive somewhere because of traffic, and think about all the pollution!”

He’s about to go on, and it’s nothing I haven’t heard from my other friends before. Saying that going to school here, I should learn and what if I don’t end up back in New York after I graduate. Blah, blah. I don’t need to hear it.

“Just drop it.” I stop him before he can start again. “Maybe I’ll learn some day if I need to.”

“Ok.” He resolves, nodding his head. “I can drive you to the airport tomorrow.”


Now it’s my turn to gape at him.

“No, you have practice and classes. It’s a game day!” I shout.

He’s crazy. There’s absolutely no need to drive me and he can’t. He can’t miss any classes or practice or his game. Absolutely not.

He ponders it, knowing I’m right. The airport isn’t very close, and if we hit any traffic there we could be gone all day.

“Fine. You’re right,” Nick sighs, giving in. “I really can’t miss practice before game day. Coach would bench me, especially after letting in three goals the last game.”

“I can’t get over how you think that’s bad.” I roll my eyes at him. “The other team played a great offense. Those three goals weren’t easy.

“It is for me.” Nick looks up at the dark house of the Alpha Sigma Alpha’s. “Does your house have a curfew or something?”

He’s looking over my head at the rest of the block which is lined with sororities all lit up with some girls even hanging out outside.

Our house is set further away, quiet, and dark besides the light on the porch.

“It’s a weekday,” I explain to him. “We’re more concerned over classes and grades. You know college.”

He smirks and I’m fighting myself from asking him up to my room for some more mind-blowing sex. This entire night has been perfect. Little teases and flirting, but neither one of us crossed a line. Now, all I want to do is jump over that line and right into his arms.

I need to get it together.

We’re just friends. There is no more mind-blowing sex. As sad as that may be, I need to keep my head clear and my heart safe.

“I’ll see you at the game tomorrow.” Nick leans in and kisses my cheek. “Goodnight, Lenny.”

As if he didn’t just leave me in a puddle on my front porch, Nick jogs off, rounding the corner of the street and out of sight.

I can do this.

If he can, I can.