
Steam rose from his skin, and his body had grown unbelievably hot.

Deus ran a shaking hand through his hair. “I’m sorry—I’m so sorry, Seta. I havegotto work on controlling that.”

I knew I should have been more freaked out by the fact the guy I’d just been kissing had blown up the tree we were standing beneath and, had the lightning hit a few feet lower, I’d be BBQ’d Kraken. Strangely enough, I hadn’t felt this safe since I’d arrived on land. It made no sense, but I knew in my tentacles that he’d never hurt me.

Because he’s mine, and I’m his.I wanted to facepalm.

Way to keep things casual, Seta.

“A bit of water has never bothered me.” I grinned, hoping to lighten the mood, and arched a brow. “Maybe I’m too much to handle?”

“It’s hard to control my electricity when I have Slaymore’s most beautiful girl wrapped around my body like a tight-fitting glove.” Deus adjusted his jeans. “You’re already soaked. I’ll take you home so you can dry off.”

I was soaked in more ways than one, and the last thing I wanted was to go back to my room. But Deus seemed shaken, so I nodded and let him lead me through the woods to the dorm.

“Yousneak!”Ayla squealed gleefully and tossed a pillow at me as I walked through the door. “You’ve been kissing Amadeus Koidos, and I had to find out through Alicia Moss?”

Ayla wore a silver metallic mini dress and lipstick a hue of purple so deep it was nearly black. She was clearly on her way to a party.

I winced, motioning for her to be quiet. “Keep it down, Deus is still in the hall!”

“Girl, you are so devious. And here I was trying to give you tips on how to nab him! Now we have to talk about how you keep him.”

“What makes you think I want to do that?” I shucked my clothes and reached for my pajamas.

“Um, the fact that he’s Amadeus?” Ayla said it as though I were crazy. “Half of Slaymore is in love with him.”

“So? Half the school’s in love with you too,” I pointed out, unzipping my bag and beginning to remove my notebooks.

The Deus-induced storm had been brief and, thankfully, nothing was wet.

Ayla wagged a finger. “Half the school wants to sleep with me, but that’s only because I’m a magical sex machine. It’s not the same thing.”

“Maybe Amadeus is a magical sex machine. Ever think of that?”

“You know that’s not the same— Wait.” Ayla’s jaw dropped, revealing perfect white teeth. “Did you just make ajoke?Seta sa Bering, are we becoming friends?”

“No,” I said, struggling to keep from smiling.

Ayla was across the room and squeezing me in a bear hug before I dodge her. “Yes, we are! I knew you couldn’t resist my awesomeness forever!”

“Yeah, fine. Whatever.” I gently disentangled myself from Ayla’s grasp. “But don’t go telling everyone. I prefer being left alone… in case you hadn’t noticed.”

Ayla and Deus had made it past my barriers, and I was secretly pleased to have them in my life. But it was time to get back to focusing on my assignments, and figuring out how to pass alchemy with a perfect score.

“We will be talking about this later.” Ayla winked and waltzed across the room to grab her tiny clutch. “And we will definitely be going over date ideas. I know succubi are mainly known for our sexcapades, but we are insanely talented when it comes to romance, too.”

Ayla pointed two fingers at her eyes and then at me. “Tomorrow morning, brunch, you and me.”

Tomorrow was Saturday, which meant the library would be empty and I could sit anywhere I wanted. The perfect study time. “No. I can’t—”

She opened the door and blew me a kiss over her shoulder. “Trust me.”

I grumbled under my breath as I settled at my desk and started drawing a new transformation chart for my pebbles. Deus hadgiven me a few suggestions atBooks and Brewsthe day before, and I figured I might as well try them out.

As I sketched, I thought over Ayla’s offer for dating advice. Maybe I could get a couple of tips from her, even if romance wasn’t in the cards for me.