I was ready for sex, and Deus was so gentle, I thought he’d be a good partner. But I didn’t want to embarrass myself. The biggest challenge would be getting helpful information without revealing that I was actually a tentacled monstrosity. As long as I avoided shifting, and kept to sex in my humanesque form, it should be fine. I hoped.

My phone dinged. It was Deus. Of course it was, who else could it be?

Study group meeting tomorrow. Join us? Coffee’s on me.

Studying in the library tomorrow. Alone,I typed back.

Dots rippled on the screen for several long moments. Then Deus replied,Bianca’s making cookies. Your loss. Text me if you change your mind. See you after?

Catching my lower lip between my teeth, I nibbled at it. I could still taste him. I could still feel the silkiness of his hair between my fingers. And if Ididhave brunch with Ayla tomorrow, I could be ready for the next step…

Deal,I wrote, and pressed send before I could change my mind.

* * *

“Bacon,”whispered a voice in my ear. “Pancakes. Fluffy scrambled eggs. French toast.”

I blinked. My eyes felt sandy and my head was fuzzy. Groaning, I pushed myself into an upright position.

“Oh, you’re awake,” Ayla said casually, examining her red fingernails.

She was sitting on the floor, just far enough away for plausible deniability, but just near enough to lean over and whisper near my head. “I’m just sitting here, thinking about theamazingbrunch they have in the lycan dining hall. Have you eaten there?”

“Calm your tits.” I yawned, stretching my stiff muscles. “Give me a minute to get dressed and I’ll come to brunch with you.”

“Really?” Ayla gasped. She leaped to her feet. “Oh, my goddess! I knew we were going to be besties. Wear your tights and purple skirt.”

“I don’t have a purple skirt.” Shuffling over to my wardrobe, I opened it and my mouth fell open.

A violet flared miniskirt hung in my closet, next to my perfectly pressed professional shirts and the little black dress I’d brought just in case.

“I borrowed it from Helena. She has a million clothes and said you can keep it if you want. It contrasts perfectly with your eyes.”

I reached for my jeans.

“Stop it right there!” Ayla playfully bumped my shoulder. “Girl, we aregetting brunch.You do not wear restrictive clothing for brunch.”

She had a point. I pulled out the skirt with its stretchy material and grabbed my tights.

* * *

I workedup the courage to bring up the subject of sex over a stack of pancakes so tall I almost couldn’t see Ayla over the top. “So… you were going to give me the sex talk?”

This was my first time eating pancakes, and I’d followed Ayla’s lead, taking a fluffy pancake and smothering it in butter before covering them in maple syrup.

The lycan dining hall was built like a hunting lodge. Long, rough-hewn wooden tables were studded with faux silver candlesticks and mismatched silverware.

In one corner of the lodge, there was a pile of bean bags where a few students lounged in their wolf forms. Ayla had stressed the importance of getting there before ten so the food wouldn’t be gone. To my relief, the place was only half full, although more people were coming in by the minute.

Ayla swallowed a large bite of pancake. “I mean, sex is different for everyone, so it’s sort of hard to give you specific advice. The most important things are to make sure you’re ready, you’re horny, and you’re doing something that both of you are into. If it’s your first time, maybe take it slow and don’t get too kinky. The creative stuff can come later.” She waved her fork at me. “Bereallysure of what you want. Regretting sex sucks, and you don’t want to start regretting it on the very first lay.”

I ducked behind my towering stack of pancakes, hoping to hide my flaming cheeks. “Do you have a secret superpower that enables you to smell virgins or something?”

“No. You’re just not great at being subtle. Which is kind of adorable.” Ayla stuffed half a pancake in her mouth. “Most people get embarrassed talking about sex, and then they don’t ask the right questions.”

I took a bite of the sweet pancakes. “So, what are the right questions?”

“You have to ask yourself if this is really what you want. Will you regret being with him a year from now? Does he think your paranormal form is disgusting? And most importantly, do you have enough lube?”