“You don’t have to say anything. I know there is still so much we need to learn about each other, but I wanted to be clear about what I feel for you.” Deus reached out to cup my face in his warm palm. “We can take things slow, but you are the only one for me. And I’m willing to wait until you feel the same. For now, I want to learn about you.”

“What do you want to know?” I croaked, my mind still struggling to process his confession.

“Everything.” Deus’ serious expression caused my stomach to flop like a fish out of water.

Goddess! Why did he have to be so sweet?

* * *

After brunch,he gave me the grand tour of his place, and pointed out each of his brothers and cousins by name… all of which I promptly forgot. He had more family members than there were krakens in the entire sea, and they were all breathtakingly beautiful… like gods and goddesses.

“So this is why you’re not more arrogant about your looks,” I joked. “Your whole family is drop-dead gorgeous.”

“Right? I’m basically the ugly duckling.” He traced the damaged corner of a picture frame hanging in the entryway.

“You’re beautiful,” I replied without thinking.

Deus’ smile was so radiant, my breath caught in my chest. “Thanks. That means a lot from you.”

He pulled me into his arms and our mouths met. Deus tasted salty as the ocean thanks to the seafood brunch… which might be gross to another girl, but to a kraken, it was wonderful.

Grabbing his shirt, I pulled his hard body against me. The force knocked us into the wall, causing the picture frames to rattle and bounce precariously. He caught one as it fell from its nail.

He broke away, face flushed and eyes sizzling with desire. “Not to brag, but my bed is pretty interesting.”

I snorted. “Does Slaymore have aPickup Lines 101course?Because you should consider attending it.”

“Ha-ha.” He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. “Hang on one second.”

Unable to resist, I ground gently down on the hard bulge straining against his pants, eliciting a groan from Deus.

He brought me around the side of the bookcase and into his makeshift bedroom. My jaw dropped. Deus hadn’t been lying. His bedwaspretty interesting.

For one thing, it hovered three feet in the air. And for another, it was made of clouds.

“How do you do this?” I asked breathlessly as he set me down on the top.

It was like fluffy cotton, and I’d never felt a softer mattress in my life. Above us, a miniature cloud shone like the sun was just behind it. Next to the bed sat a nightstand with a novel and a glass of water.

Deus kneeled. “A couple of solidity spells. I’ll warn you, after an hour, you might be a little too warm. I usually sleep naked.”

Nowthatwas a sight I could wake up to.

Deus put one hand on each knee, then looked up at me, his eyes wide pools of blue. “Can I taste you?”

“Um.” Every drop of liquid in my body rushed between my thighs. “Yes?”

Deus ran a tongue over his lips and a full body shiver traveled through me. He reached up, gently pulling down my sweatpants, followed by my thong.

Taking off my shirt, I lay back and watched Deus settle himself between my legs.

A few hours ago, I would have been more likely to slap Deus rather than having sex with him. But he’d stood up to Ezric for me, and then he’d told me how much I meant to him… and now all I wanted to do was feel his touch and to touch him back.

Deus’ lips kissed just above my knee and moved steadily north. His tongue swirled on the sensitive skin of my thigh, and I made a strangled sound.

He paused. “Are you all right?”

“Why did you stop?” I gasped.