He chuckled. “I’ll take that to mean you’re fine. Seta? You can take your cuff off, if you want. You’re safe here.”

Then he disappeared between my legs and neither of us could speak. I couldn’t have strung together a sentence if I’d wanted, and his mouth was otherwise occupied.

His tongue swirled, licked, sucked, and explored all my sensitive places, pushing me to the edge of my climax, only to back off at the last moment. It was a rapturous type of torture.

“Please, Deus,” I begged, my body vibrating with the need for release.

I was lost to the cool softness of the bed, the heat of his mouth on my clit, the shivers that chased each other over my skin. Again, he brought me to the very edge, but this time, he kept going, finally allowing my release.

I cried out in pleasure as I came, the need that had coiled painfully tight burst free sending pleasure surging through me. A gentle rainstorm broke above me, splattering my skin with soft, warm drops.

Breathing hard, I looked down. Our eyes met over my stomach. His mouth was still firmly attached to my clit.

During my orgasm, I’d lost control of my shift, and my tentacles were wrapped around his chest. His eyes crinkled, and I knew he was smiling. Then his tongue flicked over my clit, and my head fell back against the bed as I was lost to the world again.

After my second orgasm, he broke away and crawled up to me.

“I don’t think I can do another round with your tentacles undressing and teasing me,” he said regretfully.

I laughed. “They kind of have a mind of their own.”

Deus was poised above me, his cock pressed erect and hungry against my belly.

Tiny red circles dotted his chest and midriff, and I pressed a kiss to one. “Sorry about this. I guess I got carried away.”

“Yeah, you did. But I was into it.” He pressed in for a full, intoxicating kiss.

My fingers drifted down to circle the head of his cock. It was already wet. I swirled pre-cum around the tip and Deus groaned against my lips.

“Shall I return the favor?” I murmured.

“What do you want?” he asked, eyes heavy-lidded with arousal.

“Well, I owe you,” I replied half-jokingly.

Deus stiffened. Shifting his weight, he took my chin in one golden hand. Glowing light pulsed from him, and the cloud over our heads turned a deep blue.

“That’s not how sex works. You don’t owe me anything,” he said, gently but firmly. “Now, what do youwant?”

No one had ever asked me what I wanted.

Tears blurred my vision.

My desire to go to Slaymore had conveniently coincided with my father’s need for a human ambassador and my mother’s desire to get me mated. I hadn’t gotten to choose my project partners or even how I learned all the things I wanted to know. My parents had never asked what I wanted my future to be like.

So what did I want, right here and now?

“I want you,” I murmured. “Amadeus? I think you’re right. You are my mate.”

Deus’ face froze in surprise. “Really? You’re not just saying it?”

I was terrified to admit the truth, but I was determined to stop being afraid of closeness.

“Yes. It scared me, and it’s one of the reasons I pushed you away. My soul says you’re mine. And there are other things—like how I’m drawn to you and how you were able to see my tattoos even though you aren’t a kraken.”

“I am yours, Seta. For as long as you will have me.” Deus’ glow was so bright I was forced to squint.

“Good. Because I want you forever.” I pressed a kiss to his chest. “Now enough talking. I want you to show me what I mean to you.”