“We’re not going to have sex on Monday,” I insisted.

I’d have too much on my mind. Tuesday was our alchemy mid-term, and the only thing I’d be doing late into the night was practicing my transformations.

Ayla fanned herself. “Well, it’s up to you. I saw that look he gave you, and I will tell you, that man will wait for you until the end of forever.”

“Maybe.” I shrugged one shoulder and lay back on my pillow. “I mean, he doesn’t have to. It’s just casual.”

Ayla lifted her head to glare at me. “Casual? Roomie, I know sex, and I know romance. I can tell you with certainty that Amadeus isn’t beingcasualabout any of this. I promise.”

“And I’m tellingyouthat we talked about it, and we agreed the whole thing is casual.”

Ayla kicked her shoes off and laughed. “That guy’s so into you that he’s lost to the rest of space and time.”


I tried to hide my smile and calm the happy fluttering of my heart. “Whatever. You’re my roommate—”

“Not my bestie,” she parroted in my voice before bursting into giggles. “But seriously, can I tell you what went down at the party already? I’m dying to talk to someone about it, and you’re the only person I know outside of the drama.”

I really wanted to put my headphones in, but I also wanted to be there for my… friend.

“Sure.” I pasted on a weak smile and settled on my side to listen to Ayla’s rambling gossip.

“Great! So anyway, you remember Alicia? She’s super sweet, but has really bad taste in gentlemen and wanted to get drunk this weekend…”

I pressed my fingers to my mouth. My lips were puffy and still tingled from Deus’ mouth. Remembering his hands running across my bare skin, I shivered. I almost regretted not telling Ayla to leave so that we could finish what we’d started.

Unfortunately, studies were more important than biological urges. I’d have to tide myself over somehow until at least Tuesday…

* * *

Deus’study group met atAll Nighter,the 24-hour diner on campus. I arrived precisely on time, which meant no one else was there.

Freaking fintastic.

I fiddled with the end of my braid as I looked around. Linen-lined tables with red pleather booths were scattered around the space. It was already half-full and getting fuller as students got out of class for the day.

The air smelled of burned coffee and greasy fries. Maybe it wasn’t too late to hide at a booth in the back and tell Deus I hadn’t seen his friends. Yeah, that sounded like a great plan.

Selecting my booth, I ordered a cup of diner coffee and scowled at my notes. I was just getting in my stride when a messenger bagthunkedheavily on the table next to me, making my coffee slosh over my notes.

I scrambled to save them from coffee stains and glared at the note-destroyer.

My blood turned to ice the moment I recognized him.

Ezric the slayer. He scooted into the booth beside me, and I pressed myself against the window to keep from touching him.

Had Deus said he’d be here? I wouldn’t have agreed to come if I’d known he would be here too.

“Can I help you?” I said, in a tone that made it crystal clear I didn’t plan to be of any assistance.

“Thanks for saving the table.” It wasn’t Ezric who answered, but a voice from behind him.

A girl with light brown skin and springy aqua hair poked her head around his shoulder. She had sparkling blue eyes, a kind smile, and spoke with a light British accent. “Sorry we’re late.Someonewas arguing with Professor Haster for almost half an hour.”

“I deserved better than a D,” Ezric huffed in a tone far too close to a whine for my comfort.

“Ha! I saw your paper, and no, you didn’t.”