The door flew open, slamming against the wall.

“Roomie, you’ll never—Ohmygoddessandvariousothergreekgodsnevermind!” Ayla shrieked.

Heat flushed my whole body, but this time it wasn’t the luxurious heat of desire… Nope. I was freaking mortified and wanted to crawl under my bed and never come out.

By the horrified look on Deus’ face, he wanted the same.

“I’m leaving.” Ayla covered her eyes, trying to back through the open doorway, but missed and banged into the wall. “I swear, I’m leaving.”

“No,” I sighed.

The sexy vibes had disappeared faster than food at a werewolf buffet.

If we tried to get back to sex now, I knew it would be awkward and strange. And as badly as I wanted Deus’ body, I didn’t want my first time to be awkward.

“We were just… finishing up for the night. Right, Deus?”

Deus took a deep, calming breath. His smile was regretful as he handed me my shirt. “Yeah.”

“I can totally leave! It’s not a problem—no worries, no questions afterward. In fact, I saw nothing.” Ayla had dropped her hands, and to her credit, she kept her eyes firmly fixed on the ceiling while we dressed.

She’d probably been on the other end of objectification often enough to know what it was like.

Either she’d been out already, or was planning to go. Smokey eye makeup ringed her eyes, and her hair lay in soft waves around her face. Her blue halter top and platforms screamedparty.

“It’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Deus said, buttoning my shirt for me. My heart stuttered as his fingers brushed over my collarbone.

“I’m doing my incantations paper tomorrow.” I loved studying, so why did the thought of not seeing Deus the next day fill me with sadness?

“Monday, then? Study group. Bianca the genius. You’ll be there?” His smile was so hopeful. What else could I possibly say?

I gave in. “Yes.”

He leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly to mine. And somehow, it was the sweetest kiss he’d ever given me.

Standing, he pulled on his own shirt. “Good seeing you again, Ayla.”

“Lying’s bad for your skin.” Ayla smirked, her tail flicking like a self-satisfied cat.

Deus shook his head and glanced back at me. “Goodnight.”

The moment he’d left and closed the door behind him, Ayla threw herself back on her bed.

“What in Hades? Seta, I told you to text me if you were going to do the dirty here.”

Right. She had.

“I didn’t think about it,” I admitted. “I only have your number in case of an emergency.”

“Well, then you can’t blame me for your cliterference. For the record, alotof people would consider getting laid an emergency. Most of them are my cousins, but still.”

She tapped a long fingernail on her chin. “How about this? Monday night, I am going to be gone until, let’s say, three in the morning.”

“That’s ridiculous. You have class on Tuesday.”

She flapped her hand. “I’ll skip it.”

Skipping class? I’d sooner swallow a cup full of rusty, barnacle-covered nails.