Lightning flashed around him, and in his pupils as he studied me. How much had he heard? Or seen?

Those questions and his presence should have been enough to fully tear me away from the fantasy, but my mind was still stuck between what was real and what I had imagined… and my body was too close to my release for me to stop the tidal wave of pleasure bearing down on me.

My tentacles had a mind of their own, and the one pretending to be Deus’s fingers between my legs continued to stroke me. I trembled violently, biting my lip to keep from moaning. Reaching out his left hand, Deus wrapped his warm palm around my arm, steadying me.

I needed to stop before he figured out what was going on beneath the water. If he realized I was pleasuring myself with him right in front of me, he’d probably think I was a complete freak.

“You said you needed me. What do you need? Are you hurt?” Deus brushed his fingers across my cheek, and a shock like static electricity sizzled through me.

This time, his touch on my skin was real, not something I imagined, and it was my undoing.

“Deus.” My voice cracked, and I fought to keep my body from convulsing as I climaxed harder than I’d ever experienced while handling my personal needs.

If sexy times with Amadeus were this incredible in my mind, I couldn’t imagine how I would survive the real thing. It was probably for the best that I would never find out.

But as Deus’s fingers brushed my hair from my face, I found myself second-guessing that decision.

“Seta?” Deus’s voice slowly came back into focus.

It took a couple of tries, but I managed to croak, “I’m fine. I’m not hurt.”

“You’re shaking.” Cupping my jaw, Deus lifted my face so he could search my eyes.

I shivered at his touch even as the aftershocks of pleasure were rippling through me. “The water is a little cold, that’s all.”

Deus’s nostrils flared, and miniature lightning streaked across his skin. “Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m definitely fine.” Needing to change the subject, I narrowed my eyes. “Why are you here?”

Deus’s eyes darted away from me, and he shrugged. “The storm picked up, and I was worried you may have gotten lost. I came to check the woods and heard my name.”

Great Poseidon!

I hadn’t meant to say his name out loud! How much more had I said aloud?

Deus was still talking, and swallowing back my rising panic, I tried to focus.

“Anyway, I followed your voice and found you here in the pool. You appeared to be in pain, and I thought you’d been injured. I didn’t mean to intrude.” His eyes dropped to my hands, and his finger tapped one of my imprint lines. “These are beautiful, Seta.”

I flushed with pleasure at his words, causing my scales to flicker and glow.

Then logic kicked in.

“Wh-what are you talking about?” How had he been able to see the imprints? Something unfamiliar unfurled in my chest.


Mine? That was weird. He was my project partner, and that was it.

“Your tattoos. The artist is insanely talented.” His finger traced one of the lines, and I was shocked when my body responded as though he were touching me in a far more intimate place.

“Thank you.” I quivered, still more than a little confused about how Deus could see them and why my body was responding so dramatically to him. “I’d rather no one else know I have tattoos. Okay?”

“Of course. I won’t tell anyone, but you know they’ll see them if they swim with you?” Deus gave me a crooked smile.

I let my body sink a little deeper into the water. “Only if I shift forms, and that’s not something I like doing around people.”

Deus rubbed his chin. “Really? Most of the mermaids around campus seem to want to stay shifted as much as possible.”