“Only because they are hoping to show off their bodies and catch your attention,” I mumbled low enough that Deus would have to be an elephant with a name that rhymes with Morton to hear me.

Amadeus laughed. “That would be a shame.”

“Why do you say that?” The words were out before I could swallow them.

“Because they’re wasting their time.” Deus stood and looked around. “Where’s your stuff? Do you want me to put your clothes by the edge so you can change?”

“Um. Yeah?” I bit my lip, trying to figure out how to ask him to leave. My heart was pleading with me to drag him into the water and—

And what?

Claim him.

How could I want to claim a man I’d never even kissed? It was proof that I was treading dangerous waters when it came to Amadeus. If I wasn’t careful, I’d find myself mated and forced to stay on land.

That wasn’t my dream.

No. I wanted to get my degree, prove that Krakens could walk among other species without killing anyone in a murderous rage, and then spend the rest of my life free to explore the seas.

“Here you go. They are a little wet.” Amadeus had grabbed my soaked clothing and the gold cuff and placed it in front of me. “I’ll go ahead and leave so you can have privacy.”

With my form partially shifted, I could easily see in the darkness, and I would swear I caught a faint blush on his cheeks when his eyes trailed over my bare shoulders.

A naughty part of me wanted to rise in the water and watch his expression as more of my skin was exposed, but I quickly tamped down on the urge. I wasn’t a siren, so where were these desires to seduce him coming from?

Summoning my willpower, I smiled up at him. “Thank you, Deus. See you tomorrow?”

Deus scratched the back of his neck, and lightning flickered in his eyes before he nodded. “Yeah. Tomorrow.”

I watched him until he was out of sight and then listened until his footsteps faded away. When I was sure he was gone, I reached for the cuff.

If I’d been given a choice, I’d have spent the night in the pond, but I didn’t want to be forced to explain my soaked walk of shame to Ayla the next morning.

Reluctantly, I slid the gold cuff over the tentacle and waited for the shift to ripple over my form. I stayed in the pond until I was sure my body was fully human again.

Pulling on my wet clothes, I grabbed my damp backpack and shoes as I set off down the flagstone path back to Slaymore’s official campus grounds.

Unlocking the door to my room, I tiptoed over to the wardrobe. I thought I was doing a dang good job of being sneaky, but as I pulled out my robe, I heard Ayla’s sleepy voice.

“Where’ve you been? Bottom of the lake?”

Her guess was far too close for my comfort.

“Out.” I kept my tone flat, hoping it would shut down the conversation. I was still too raw from both my imagined and real encounters with Deus and needed time to process everything.

“Whatever. Put a towel down so I don’t slip tomorrow morning, ‘kay?” She rolled over.

I crept to the bathroom, and by the time I was finished brushing my teeth and returned to the bedroom, she was breathing the deep, peaceful breaths of sleep.

Tired and relaxed for the first time since coming to land, I crawled into my bed and fell asleep before my head hit the pillow.

Isat at my dorm room desk, staring unseeing out the window.

Seta had looked breathtaking today; although, when did she ever look less than perfect?

Sowhy haven’t you told her?The words circled around my mind.

I could carry on a conversation with anyone. Professor, student, guys, girls, the homeless guy I bought a coffee for every weekend… but whenever I was in the presence of the flame-haired beauty, my tongue seemed to tie itself in knots.