Page 72 of The Orc Queen

“Why won’t my eyes open?” I ignore their shriek of pain and dig my nails harder into them. I will break their bones if they don’t remove whatever spell they have on my eyes.

“Don’t kill the help.” The familiar voice comes from somewhere in the room.

“Why don’t you step closer then.” I bark out.

The puny creature continues crying in pain, but I don’t let go.

Something like the pointy side of a dagger touches my stomach flesh and my body goes lax. I try to move but it’s like I have no bones.

What kind of sorcery is this?

“Stop that!” I slur as even moving my mouth is hard. A hand touches my eyes, and they open. Feeling and muscles comes back to my whole face, and I gasp for air.

“What are you doing to me?” I grit my teeth, trying to move the rest of my body but it’s still futile.

“If you stop struggling, this will be over soon.” The dragon says.

“What the hell are you doing to me?”

“Completing your healing.”

“Free me. Now.” I order.

“If you would stop struggling then we can work the poison out of you faster, then we can talk and tell you why you are here.” He says, looking at me with disapproval.

I glare at the dragon even as the Soko moves in this room as a mere shadow, probably getting a covering for the wounds I opened in his arms. His blood permeates the air. But something is wrong with it. I don’t know what.

“There is no reason you can’t start talking right this second.” I say.

The dragon purses his lips. “You need to be free then I will take you and show you.”

Before I answer, he turns on his heel and he gives me his back. The terrified orc fans my body with a feather-like item and the more he does it, the freer and stronger I feel. My initial instinct is to lunge for them both, but I have a feeling harming me may not be their immediate intention like they’ve stated. I need to remain clear headed.

I let the orc free me then I take the clothes offered to me when I sit up. I move my arms, toes, and neck to see if my muscles are back to their state and it feels like they are.

The Soko exits the room quickly before I stand up. I take the cue and dress while I take in my surroundings. The walls seem to be the brown-redish stone that covers most of Ragu. But it is cut so straight with high ceilings, it almost resembles the designs in the human realm.

Everything is symmetrical and straight, and clean. The furniture is made of white wood and the chair stainless steel. There isn’t much in this room.

I find shoes on the floor, and I think better than leaving them to walk bare foot. I walk to the door with haste in my step, in a hurry to get out of this place.

I find the dragon leaning on the wall opposite the room. My first instinct is to lunge for him, but he is now in the company of three others. He smirks a little when he must realize what I’m thinking.

He pushes off the wall. “We don’t aim to harm you, just don’t try to harm any of my people either.”

I don’t respond. There is no need to. I step beside him, his security behind us, as we walk a long corridor. There are big windows lining the walls ahead of us and when we come to the first one, my feet stop on their own at the sight before me.

Dragons of various sizes fly between what seems to be a large nest with multiple levels. Not just large, colossal. I don’t see the bottom as green lines the red stone beneath it, covering almost every surface. The lush green reminds me of Aria’s realm.

Young dragons fly with their mothers. Though I don’t see many young, or many males, but the scene of a very much alive society confronts me. The dragons didn’t die out like we were all told.

“Come this way.” The voice of the still-nameless dragon says.

“What do I call you?” I don’t turn to look at him.

“I am called Kartna. I am the Dagona’s placeholder.” He says proudly, making me turn to him. I thought he was the Dagona based on his size and the feeling that he is in charge around here. And if he’s the placeholder, where is the Dagona? Is he taking me to him?

“Hm.” I muse thoughtfully. In negotiations or hostile environments, it is always best to be the one who talks less. Less likely to reveal yourself that way.