Page 73 of The Orc Queen

We walk to the end of the corridor then turn to a large open area. It seems to be some kind of foyer. It is elegantly decorated with backless chairs draped in silk-like coverings and paintings that look like they were drawn by tar. I spot intricate maps of the realm and I can’t stop myself from slowing my movements to see.

Most of it is written in a foreign language that looks complicated, granted our orc written language is a lot more…simple and straight to the point. My eyes lift up to the ceiling and I see a painting that looks like nothing but burnt patches and smeared tar. But as I look more, I recognize what it is. I go from picture to picture. The whole ceiling is painted of this event or series of events.Their history.

“The Great Sending.” Kartna speaks from somewhere behind me and I don’t flinch. Too engrossed in this story where piles of dragons are drawn picture after picture.

“What is that?” I ask.

Nothing comes from the dragons behind me, so I turn.

“We will be going this way. What I need to show you is here.” He gestures with his hand, ignoring my question.

I contemplate not moving to see just how hostile this situation is.

“We don’t aim to harm you. We need your help.” He says.

I sense notes of…desperation. But why would he take me and then show me his weaknesses. I didn’t get it.

I follow after him and the others follow me silently. I am not at ease here even though they don’t seem to want much from me other than to show me whatever it is they think I have to see.

When we step out of the door, we spill into an outer entrance with pillars surrounding it. Of course, dragons have no need for stairs. He takes me to the left where I see others flying about. When we get to the edge, I am still wondering about what I will see when I am led to a cage. I step back. I do not trust any cages.

But Kartna steps into it first and so do the others.

“I give you my word and that of my peoples. We mean you no harm, son of Zad.”

“Where did you hear that?”

He gives me but a small smile and a shrug. “I’ve heard many things.”

“I thought you didn’t know my name.” I stiffen my back.

But I was not prepared for what I see next.

Our eyes meet at the same time, and he doesn’t look as surprised to see me as I am him. He gives me a salute, face full grin.

I blink, looking behind him.I must be seeing things.

“Why is a Bono orc on the back of that dragon?” The question shoots out of me instantly.

Kartna chuckles and so do the others. “Careful there. That’s an orc and his wife.”


“They are vowed. They are a couple. One of the first successful ones.” Kartna says like I am supposed to understand what he means.

“Dragon, you better just talk right now. I am not getting on that trap with you.”

He purses his lips, resisting, but after a young dragon flies by so fast, screaming happily about something with their mother chasing them, he focuses on me again like he just remembered something.

“We have orcs living with us,” he says too simply for my liking.

“What orcs?” The answer to that I already know, but I need confirmation that my suspicions are correct, and I am not going insane.

This is not what I expected to find here. I expected to be hanging on a cliff, getting tortured for bordering their land illegally. Not orcs riding the backs of dragons and…being mated to them.

“Come. You have to see for yourself.” He tries once more.

I don’t move. Still not trusting him.