Page 8 of Gunner


I turn my head towards him, but he doesn't wake; instead, he turns on his back before placing his arm over his eyes, his bare tattooed chest on display, and the club logo over his right peck.

I swallowed hard before shaking my head.

I look around the room before finding my jeans and white shirt and quickly putting them on. I quietly but quickly rush out of his room, which I don't even take pleasure in looking at, before rushing down his stairs, grabbing my shoes, and then running out of his house. I don't stop until I’m at the gate, and Cal is on gate duty. I give him a wave like I've just woken up, which technically I have, before I leave, walking back to my apartment, where hopefully Sophie is still asleep.

I really hope he doesn't break my heart tonight. I snort, who am I kidding, of course he will, he always does.

Chapter 3


I take a deep breath as I start to wake up, my mouth tasting like shit and making me want to vomit.

Fuck me, my head is killing me.

What the fuck did we drink last night?

Shaking my head, I look around the room. Leah's not in here, but why would she be?

I try to sit up while my head pounds from the amount of alcohol we drank before finally managing to get up, making the sheet fall off.

The cold air instantly hit my cock.

I look down in confusion.

Why in the fuck am I naked? I know I normally sleep in the nude but not when I have people stay over.

Shaking my head, I quickly head for a shower before I wake Leah up with some hangover breakfast. She never told me what the appointment was about, only that it wasn't good news. I reach into my walk-in shower and turn it on before climbing in. I start to wash myself when I swear I can hear a moan, and I shake my head in confusion before finishing up.

I get out and quickly dry before putting my dark blue jeans on, sans boxers, because, well, what's the point when I'll probablybe fucking Cara again later? No doubt Leah will look fucking gorgeous, and I'll be hard.

Is it right? No, but what choice do I fucking have?

I grab my black V-t-shirt and put it on, then my cut, before walking barefoot looking for Leah. I check all the rooms and then downstairs, but she's not fucking here.

I grab my phone off my kitchen counter and call the gate.

Cal answers,

"Leah left twenty minutes ago, looking worse for wear."

I chuckle,

“Alright, thanks, Cal.”

Hanging up, I shake my head before I swear to fucking God. I hear another moan, making my cock twitch.

What the fuck?

I think I need to get laid.

I sigh before saying, Fuck it. I get my socks and shoes on, and heading to the clubhouse for breakfast seems as if I don't have to entertain, which I know I feel fucking bummed about, but maybe it's a good thing she left. Each day that goes by makes it that much harder to resist her. The more time I spent with her over the years, the more I fell, but I just can't fucking do it to a brother; I won't.

I could lose my fucking patch over it if he contests our relationship.

Half an hour later, I'm sitting at the clubhouse with Annalise, eating the hearty breakfast she cooked full of pancakes, sausages, and bacon, when my mom walks in. I sigh before shaking my head. I ignore her, taking the last bite of the pancake before standing up. I grab my plate before putting it in the sink. Annalise smiles as I walk over to her and kiss her cheek, thenhead towards the door that connects to the common room when my mom speaks.