Page 7 of Gunner

She smiles gently at Doc's question before shaking her head and making a sob crawl out of my throat. "I'm sorry, but everything still looks the same; the chances of conceiving are very low, and if you do conceive, you still may lose the baby or end up going into labor early. If that is the case, you will have to have a caesarean; otherwise, you could bleed out."

I nod my head before placing it against Doc's chest while squeezing Ava's hand, the reality that I'll be alone for the rest of my life sinking in.

I guess I wasn't meant to bring a child into this world.

A few hours later, I'm sitting at the park with a bottle of vodka.

Doc and Ava knew I needed time alone, so they didn't argue when I said I wanted to walk home. Meghan, the new resident doctor who I have become good friends with thanks to Doc and Mel, tried to convince me to go home with her, but I just needed time alone to get my thoughts together, and what better way than with a bottle of vodka?

I just didn't count on the sleazeball standing in front of me, towering over me, trying to get into my pants, which, let's face it, I'd probably freak out having anything placed near there anyway, so he's wasting his time. I hear a rumble of a bike, but I ignore it, and the man is trying to get my attention. His breath fucking stinks, though, which is really hard to ignore.

He gets further into my face, about to touch me, when a growly voice belonging to a man who breaks my fucking heart every day speaks out coldly.

"You've got five seconds to get the fuck away from her before I get my gun out."

The man runs like his ass is on fire.

I guess the sound of the bike was Gunner.

I snort, watching the man trip over his own feet as he tumbles down and into the pond before Gunner takes a seat next to me. I look at him, his blonde hair all over the place, and he raises a brow at the vodka at 11:30 in the morning. I offer it to him, but he shakes his head before looking forward, while I just shrug and take a gob full.

"So, this is what you couldn't come into work for tonight? Why you had to walk out on your shift?"

I just snorted at his disappointment.

"Nope, this is what I need after having bad news at the hospital this morning that I was anticipating, which is why I couldn't work tonight, and you know your overworking me with lack of pay, so me walking out was your own doing. You want to fuck people, then do it when I'm not having to cover their fucking job all night on my own after working 78 hours that week already.”

He nods, his brows raised, but I just shrug. I'm fucking done.

"You're not going to tell me what the appointment was for despite my being your best friend?"

I shake my head. "Nope, and Sophie is my best friend; you're just my asshole boss."

He shakes his head with a smile before gripping my hand, helping me stand, then taking the bottle off me. I try to grab it.

"Hey, that's mine!"

He just chuckles, putting the bottle over his head when I try to jump for it.

"Come on, Angel, I've got plenty of booze at my place. I'll be your drinking buddy if you want to get pissed and not talk, but not out here."

I huff and reluctantly follow him before I start walking towards the clubhouse, but he grabs my arm and guides me to the truck with the prospect sitting in it that I must have missed in my tipsy state. He helps me inside before going to his bike, and we head to the clubhouse because, of course, I can't go on his bike; I'm nothing to him.

The next morning I groan, my head killing me before I slowly open my eyes but freeze when I feel an arm wrapped around my waist. I look down to see tribal tattoos going up a forearm and instantly know it's Gunner, and everything comes back to me.

He found me in the park, drinking.

He brought me back to his.

We got drunk together.

He kissed me!

We, oh God, we…

I have to leave; I need to leave; he'll reject me for Cara; I know he will.

Very slowly, I climb out of his bed, but as soon as I move in between, my legs ache, making me gasp out loud.