Page 8 of Claiming Kenna

Half an hour later I was catching a taxi to school.Oh how I have moved up in the worldI thought as I passed people on the street that were walking with oversized coats and scarves on. So many people must have viewed me the same way when I would be walking in the snow with my big puffer jacket on. I thanked the taxi driver and scooted out of my seat, slamming the door behind me to get into the campus as soon as I could because although the skies were clear and sun was peeking through, the wind still stung like ice. I walked quickly down the main corridor and turned the corner to head towards the library when I collided with a brick wall and fell on my arse. Sending my bag and all its contents all over the lino floor. I looked up while rubbing my lower back that was now throbbing in pain and I looked directly into light blue eyes.Fuck. “Sorry,” I squealed, feeling mortified. He didn’t say anything for a couple of moments then he knelt down on the floor in front of me.

“Are you ok?” Professor Cullen asked while looking over my body slowly.Just making sure I wasn’t hurt you sick bitchI reminded myself when my body began to flare to life. Why couldn’t I react this way to Isaiah last night.

“Yeah I am OK thanks. My pride is hurt more than my butt,” I grumbled. Cullen licked his lower lip then started helping me pick up the contents of my bag.

“Oh you don’t have to do that,” I said warily.

“It is the least I could do,” he replied. A strange look crossed his face then he smoothed his expression back to the concerned teacher.

“Thank you then. I am just grabbing some text books then heading back home to study,” I blurted out, sounding like a boring nerd right now. We both stood at the same time and I flung my bag over my shoulder.

“Should you not be getting drunk and complaining on Monday how tired you are?” Cullen muttered with a hint of humor. I smirked back at him.

“I wish. But no, I am as boring as they come,” I answered honestly. He tilted his head and gave me a small lopsided smirk, “Oh I doubt that Kenna,” he whispered and walked away. Leaving me standing there staring at his back feeling more confused than ever.

I muddled my way through the rest of the morning feeling torn. I was dwelling on my exchange with Cullen but I was also trying to hype myself up for tonight. Feeling bemused I checked out my two textbooks I needed and decided I would head straight to the shopping mall to get a dress for work.

I spent the next hour flicking through racks of dresses and eyeing mannequins that made the outfits look incredibly perfect. I sighed in frustration and ran a hand through my straight hair. I am being unfair on myself but I don’t know how someone like me with a small personality can pull of a dress that needs someone oozing personality and confidence to make it look good. I chewed on the inside of my cheek fingering a gold dress that was covered in sparkly sequins. It was a spaghetti strap dress that hung loosely at the front but was fitted around the hip and leg area. I would have to buy a nice coat to go with it for travelling in between home and work but it really was beautiful. I picked it off the rack holding it up against my body and looking in the full length mirror by the changing rooms. The gold made my slight green eyes look more prominent and I smiled. Whoever was going to have dinner with me tonight was going to appreciate this dress, I convinced myself with an unwavering confidence.

I placed the dress on the counter and grabbed my wallet out of my bag. I opened it and handed my card over to the young teenage staff member. I frowned when I flicked through my wallet again. “Everything ok chick?” The young teenage staff member asked me. I looked up to her preppy smile and over lined eyes and sighed.

“Yeah, just lost some cards out of my wallet. But not missing the important ones so that is ok,” I said and then put my wallet in my bag and took the paper bag containing my beautiful new dress from the staff member.

Laterthatnight,Imade my way down into the club feeling like a million dollars. I had shaved, moisturised, painted my face with foundation and a shimmer eye-shadow, and tied my hair up into a high ponytail so my neckline and collar bone was seductively on display. A few times I nearly pinched myself to try to wake myself from this dream. I was feeling like a whole new person. I chuckled to myself as I stood on the last step with a hand on the door handle Criminal Law student by day and temptress by night.

As I stepped into the club, eyes swung in my direction. There were alot of appreciative glances, taking in my new look. This was a contrast from the girl that walked in last night that wore a long sleeve dress, black stockings and boots and screamed conservative. Crystal came over and tugged my elbow pulling us to the side of the room so we were up against the wall.

“Is everything ok?” I asked Crystal, growing wary.

“Everything is great. You look incredible.” Crystal stated looking nervous.

“What? Did no one want to go on a date with me tonight?” I chewed my bottom lip.

“Noooo, of course not silly. We ahhh, have just had an unusual request and I want you to think about it before you say no,”

“Now you have my attention,” I murmured, eyeballing her.

“A guy has offered $10,000 to have you in a private room for an hour.”

“Is this a joke?” I bit out and looking around to see if anyone was looking over to take in my reaction. No eyes were on us though. I looked back to Crystal, narrowing my eyes. She put her hands up and a defensive gesture with an innocent look on her face.

“I know I thought it was a joke too. Our boss wanted me to talk to you first since you and I have a good relationship. But it’s good money for you and our club. This guy must think you have the golden vagina,” she confessed with a slight smirk and glint in her eyes.

“I am not having sex with anyone,” I muttered all of a sudden feeling very self conscious.

“Just take a minute to think it over. $10,000 is a lot of money.”

“Yeah but what do I get after the club takes their cut?”

“That is your cut,” she slid out.

“Wow he must be a millionaire,” I whispered.

“Or he just really wants you,” she said matter of fact.

“But no one knows who I am. Well at least I don’t think so,” I cringed.

“Well I don’t know but we have vetted him as per usual with anyone wanting to use private rooms and his record is as clean as a whistle. This is his first time coming here also. It’s up to you Kenna. We will never force you to do something you are not comfortable with but it is a massive amount of money for one hour of work. You could always just close your eyes and pretend you’re somewhere else,” she offered.