“I have heard the fettuccine is really good?”
“She will have the fettuccine instead of the salad please and I will have the lobster tail,” he ordered, giving the menus back to the waiter.
“Sure, it will be about fifteen minutes,” he said, then strolled off.
“You know I may make a big mess with the pasta,” I confessed, feeling playful.
“And I will make a mess with the lobster tail. I don’t think there is any clean way of eating those little buggers,” he murmured and took a sip on his water.
“So I got told you’re in the real estate business?” I asked.
“Yeah I sell apartments mainly in the inner city. Keeps me busy,” he replied.
“What were you doing before tonight?” He continued.
“I study criminal law and I was bar-tending but the sleepless nights were getting to me,” I murmured. His eyebrows pulled together in a deep frown. “
Yeah that would have been hard. And you would still go to school during the day?” He pressed.
“Yeap, I had to if I wanted to pass,” I observed. He nodded in agreement.
The waiter came over with our wines. He was a red wine man I learnt. I don’t know what I expected but really didn’t peg him as the red wine type. I had tried a Merlot years ago and nearly spat it out. To me it tastes like thick red vinegar. I was always told I was just too young to appreciate the flavors. That may be right but I can’t see my mind getting swayed anytime soon.
Over the next hour we ate out food, both creating a mess down the front of ourselves even with our napkins in place and we laughed a lot about how we were a mixture between wild animals and newborn babies. Isaiah offered dessert and as much as I had pre-planned to order the biggest dessert they had, I was so full from pasta and wine I couldn’t imagine eating another bite.
When we had successfully finished our dinner Isaiah paid at the front counter and he opened the door for me so we could go outside.
“I would love to do this again if you were up to it?” He asked from behind me. We stopped on the sidewalk and I turned to look at him.
“I would love to, tonight was lovely,” I confirmed and felt a little shocked at myself. I did have a lot of fun. This didn’t feel like work at all. Isaiah picked up one of my hands and planted a $100 bill in it.
“I know you will get paid for tonight but this is just a little extra. I hope you don’t change and keep being yourself on our dates,” he muttered letting his eyes roam over me.
“Thanks, I really appreciate it. This doesn’t really feel like work and I actually feel like I am ripping you off,” I replied. He responded with a throaty laugh.
“Well maybe one day I can go on a date with you in a personal manner. Not work?” He asked.
“Sure, maybe,” I responded thinking he would be a great friend but there is no sexual tension there. At least not for me. My Uber pulled up and he leaned down giving me another kiss on the cheek. This one was very close to my lips and I pulled away.
“Nice meeting you,” I said, giving him a friendly smile and climbed into my uber to go home and it wasn’t even 10pm.
Ifeltrefreshedthenext morning when I woke up. I haven’t had a decent sleep like this all year. I yawned loudly and looked across the space to my window. It looked like clear skies for a change. I checked my phone and I had a few messages. One from Crystal saying the money has been transferred to my account and that I got a great review. Then there was one from Millie.
Millie:I heard the other night was madness and you quit????????????? You can’t just quit and not tell me.
Me: The other night was more than madness. Henry is a fuck wit. Quitting was entirely my pleasure haha. How is your mum?? x
Millie: She is doing ok. I feel like she is getting grumpier and more impatient as she ages.
Me: I feel you on that one. We can try catch up over the weekend x
Millie: Yes please. Just let me know when you are free.
I smile at my phone thankful I have a friend like Millie I can still be care free with and my brash self.
I stretched out in my bed and rolled off landing on my feet with a thud. I felt like I could conquer the world today. More like myself. I was a strong bitch and I needed to remember that. I didn’t feel ashamed for getting paid to go on a date last night, I felt empowered. I made a mental plan in my head that I would go into uni to grab some more text books so I could study today, go shopping this afternoon for a dress tonight, then tomorrow I will catch up with Millie. I grabbed my phone, wallet and access card to get into the school after hours and stuffed it all in my bag. I wondered how many students actually go into school over the weekend. Probably not many.
I put my music on, flicked the jug on and jumped in the shower. I let the water flow over my body feeling my muscles relax under the heat. Glancing through the shower glass into the mirror on the wall I looked over my small framed body. I was always self conscious of my small breasts and comparing myself to Crystal and the other girls that were there last night with their ample fake breasts on display, made me ponder the thought of getting mine done too. I grabbed my breasts in a hand each and turned on the side with them scrunched in my hand trying to imagine what I would look like with larger breasts. My eyes slid to my bum and I was glad I had always had a nice perky bum, otherwise next I would be thinking about getting implants in them too I chuckled to myself then resumed washing myself again letting the thoughts of enhancement surgery fade away.