It’s been over twenty-four hours and still no word from Seth. “Can we find a DeLorean and go back in time and change everything that’s happened in the past week?” One night, Back to the Future was streaming so I decided to watch it since Seth said it was his favorite movie and I have to agree, the first two are much better than the third. I shrug my jacket off and drape it over the back of the bar stool before throwing myself down on the seat next to my sister, Hollyn. I sent an SOS message to her, Charlie, and Olivia that I needed girl time. Hollyn mentioned a new martini bar when I said I wasn't in the mood for Porter's. Vodka drunk it is.

“Here. You need this more than I do.” Charlie slides her lemon drop martini toward me from across the table, then flags down our waitress for another.

I lift the glass to my mouth. The sugary rim hits my lips before I take a heaping gulp, the vodka burning as it flows down my throat. “Thanks. Sadly, I don’t think just one’s going to cut it.”

“It’s a good thing we have all night.” Olivia raises her glass and Hollyn and I cheer her while Charlie raises her water.

“I don’t know what to do. Seth won’t answer any of my calls or messages. I just want him to know I’m here for him. Whatever he needs.” I slowly trace the stem of my martini glass.

Charlie looks to me. “He’s got a lot on his plate right now. Bennett mentioned he’s been talking to the insurance company and while they don’t know what started the fire yet, Seth doesn’t think they would get even close to what it would cost to start over.”

“That’s terrible. They help so many. It would be a huge loss to the community if they didn’t open back up,” Hollyn says.

“I wish he would just call me. Let me know what I can do to help. Even if it’s just to be there for him. He is so stubborn and I hate it.” I stare at my almost empty drink.

“I’m sure he will.” Charlie reaches across the table and covers my hand with hers for a moment. When she pulls away, she joins Olivia and Hollyn in their conversation.

I’m oblivious to what they’re talking about. My thoughts are racing about Seth and what I can do to help him. Then it’s like a light bulb goes off. “You guys. I got it. I know what we can do.” My outburst causes them to turn their heads in my direction.

“Can you expand on that?” Olivia asks with a raised eyebrow.

“For Seth and The Lilith House. What if we held a charity auction to raise money to help them rebuild?”

“You do realize how much time and energy goes into hosting a charity event, right?” Charlie asks.

“I’m sure it will be a lot but it’s worth it. To help our friend.”

“When you put it that way, I’m in,” Charlie says. The other girls follow suit.

“Plus, I’m sure you can do some oral stimulation to convince Bennett to help too. He has a few aces up his sleeve who could make some generous donations.” Olivia playfully elbows Charlie.

“What about Trey? What kind of stimulation will be happening there?” Charlie raises an eyebrow.

“Absolutely none. I can’t deal with his ever-changing behavior. He’s worse than a hormonal teenage girl. Just thinking about it gives me a headache.”

“Wait, who’s Trey?” Hollyn asks.

“Trey’s friends with Bennett and Seth. Loyal to a fault but also doesn’t seem to do relationships.” Charlie takes a sip of her drink.

“Have you two hooked up?” Hollyn looks to Olivia.

“No. We haven’t even kissed. The timing just never seemed right. Sometimes I think we’re just better off as friends.”

“There’s a lot of sexual tension there. I can’t believe you haven’t banged it out by now,” I add.

“I’ll admit I’m attracted to him but is that all it is? A physical attraction? I need more than that. But enough about my lacking sex life and back to this event.”

“So, you two will talk to the guys about finding donation items for a silent auction.” I point to Charlie and Olivia. “Hollyn, maybe The Sweet Spot can donate some deserts?”

“Yeah, I’ll talk to my boss, but I’m sure she would love to help.”

“Okay, we’ll just need someone who can do catering, maybe just hors d’oeuvres?” I tap my chin.

“And where are we hosting this event?”

“I bet Jake would let us use Porter’s for a night. Plus, the extra exposure for the bar won’t be a bad thing.”

I pull out my phone and open the notes app. My fingers fly over the keyboard as I type out all the potential businesses we could ask for help. This whole idea is crazy, and it will be even crazier if we can pull it off. I wave down the waitress and order us another round. Once they’re set down in front of us, I raise my glass and toast. “Here’s to bringing back The Lilith House and making it bigger and better than before.” The other girls raise their glasses. “Also, I think I know how we might be able to secure a new building.”