The next day after work, I stride into Porter’s. It seems quieter than normal. I must have arrived before the evening crowd. This will give me time to talk to Jake with no distractions. I stroll up to the empty row of stools at the bar. I shrug off my coat and drape it over the chair next to me and place my purse on the seat.

“This isn’t your normal seat. And where’s the rest of the girl gang?” Jake’s deep voice greets me.

“Just me today and it’s mostly business.”

“And what kind of business would that be?” Jake rests both palms on the bar, leaning forward and locking his elbows like he’s about to do a push-up.

“Well, you know, Seth and his family lost The Lilith House.”

“Yeah, a fire. I heard about that on the news.”

“I’m organizing a charity event and auction to help them recoup some of what they lost, and I was wondering if you would donate the use of Porter’s for a night—”

“I’ll do it.”

“—so we could have a space to host the event.”

“Parisa, I said I’ll do it. You can have the bar for a night.”

“Really? Just like that? I had an entire speech prepared about how this will be good for your business with the extra publicity.”

“The bar is doing just fine. I don’t need the publicity. But I like Seth. His family are caring and compassionate people. They deserve this. I’ll even do you one better. We’ll serve the alcohol because we all know money flows after a few drinks. And I’ll donate half the drink profits.”

“Are you for real? That’s too much. I can’t ask for that.”

“You don’t have to ask. I’m offering.”

My lips pull into a giant smile. Everything is coming together better than I expected. I reach for my phone in my purse and open the notes app. I put a check next to Secure Venue and set my phone down. “I’m hoping everyone on my list will be this easy.”

“Who else are you asking?”

“I have Bennett and Trey. I know they’ll help but it’s also asking them to ask some of their high-profile clients and friends to offer some gifts for the auction.”

“Those two could schmooze a bear out of hibernation. They’ll get shit done. What else?”

“I need a caterer who’ll make hors d’oeuvres. Nothing fancy. Just finger food to keep people around. Know anyone?”

“I might know someone. They owe me a favor. It won’t be anything Michelin star, but I can guarantee it will be good.”

“I’ll take it! That’s a better option than mine.”

“Who do you have?”

“No one.” I shrug my shoulders and Jake lets out a hearty laugh.

“Thank you so much Jake. But now that my work here is done. On to the next.” I stand, grabbing my coat and tugging my arm through the hole before repeating the process with the other arm. “Also, do you happen to have a growler of the new oatmeal stout? A little liquid enticement should help Bennett agree to all this.”

“Yeah. I’ll grab you one.”

Now that I can cross Jake off the list, Bennett and Trey are next. I know Charlie and Olivia were going to mention something, but I really want to make sure I can cross them off my list. Luckily for me, as soon as I pull into Bennett’s driveway my headlights shine directly on Trey’s black Escalade. Two birds with one stone. They can even share the growler. I throw my car into park next to Trey’s and hop out. I walk up the pathway and up the few steps until I’m on the porch of Bennett’s two-story modern farmhouse. A motion light flickers to life, lighting the rest of my way. I knock on the wood door. The murmur of voices can be heard on the other side. But after a few seconds, no one answers, so I take off my mitten and knock again, this time a little harder. The porch is lit up when the front door opens and Bennett stands on the other side.

“Parisa. Come in. Let me get Charlie.” Bennett steps out of the way and holds the door open for me as I walk through the doorway.

“Actually, I’m here to see you. And it’s even better that Trey is here too.”

“Parisa. I-I don’t want to break your heart but I’m a happily taken man. But Trey on the other hand—”

I smack Bennett in the stomach with my purse and he doubles over with an oomph. “No, you idiot. I need to talk to you guys about a charity event for Seth. I brought you a growler but after that comment I might just keep it for myself.” I hold up the 64-ounce glass jug.