“For what?” Seth turns toward me.

“For everything. My behavior. Why I want to keep this between us.” He says nothing, so I continue. “At my last job, I started dating a co-worker.”

Seth raises an eyebrow and I huff out a laugh.

“I know, me and co-workers. Anyway, we didn’t tell anyone we were seeing each other. We had different positions, but I worked a level above him. One day, I saw they were hiring for a marketing manager, and I figured I had been there awhile, I should apply.” When I look up into his eyes, he’s staring back at me. Listening to every word I have to say as if it’s his lifeline. Just knowing that he cares about what I have to say encourages me to continue. “When I mentioned the new position to my boyfriend, he also told me to apply. They would be stupid not to promote me. Then later, I overheard him talking with some of his friends about how he applied for the position I told him about.”

“Wow. That’s a jerk move.”

“It was. So, I confronted him about it. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that in front of his friends, but heat of the moment and whatnot. Essentially, our relationship was over, but then I kept hearing whispers and murmurs going around the office that I was sleeping with him so he would let me have the position. Then more rumors started that I was sleeping with the boss to get the position…” I look away and a sob gets lodged in my throat and my cheeks heat from embarrassment. Seth reaches for my chin, his gentle fingertips graze my heated skin and turns my head so my focus is back on him.

“Hey, look at me. You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about. You did nothing wrong. He couldn’t stand the idea of a woman beating him, so he needed to take some low blows to make himself feel better.”

“Well, it worked. He got the job even though I was more qualified for it.” I swipe away a stray tear.

Seth cups my cheeks, his warm skin against mine calms me. “You are too beautiful to be shedding tears over a guy like that.” His sweet words cause another tear to fall. This time he swipes it away. “What did I say about the tears?”

“That last one was your fault.” I look up at him through blurry eyes and give him a small smile. A moment later, his soft, warm lips are on mine in a tender kiss. Not full of heat and passion, but loving and adoring and I feel it all the way to my toes.

He pulls away but just barely, his lips only a millimeter from mine. “Want to get out of here?”

Wanting to stay in this little bubble for a bit longer I reply, “Can we stay a little longer?”

“Of course.” He presses his lips to mine in a chaste kiss before pulling away and wrapping his arm around my shoulder and tucking me under his arm. I wrap my arms around his waist under his jacket, relishing in the warmth of his body. “I’m glad you didn’t get the job.”

“Why’s that?”

“Then we would have never gotten this.”


Looks cooler in the movies


“Everyone, raise your glass. Congratulations, Charlie!” Olivia shouts over the noise at Porter’s. “Here’s to your last day at The Blue Stone Group. The chair next to me will forever be empty without you.”

The clinking of glasses and bottles echoes around our table along with a collective cheer.

Charlie sets her glass down. “Thanks everyone. It’s going to be so weird not seeing everyone Monday morning anymore.”

“I’m sure they’ll give you your job back.” I playfully nudge Charlie. Work won’t be the same without seeing one of my best friends every day. Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic she’s found love with a man who is worthy of her. I’m just having a moment of selfishness.

“What will you do with all your time now?” Seth asks.

Bennett wraps his arm around Charlie’s waist and pulls her close. “Don’t worry guys, I’ll keep her busy.” He winks.

“Oh yeah. I’m sure you’ll keep her plenty busy.” Trey waggles his eyebrows and Olivia smacks him on the arm.

While the two guys bicker back and forth, a large palm nestles on my lap. I peer over to Seth and his lips twitch into a smile. His thumb caresses back and forth over my denim covered thigh, the small gesture sending a current of electricity through my body. Then his hand travels down the top of my leg and he slowly drags it up the inseam until he reaches the apex of my thighs. Instantly, I clench my legs together trapping his fingers. If his hand traveled any farther north, he would find a very obvious wet spot from his touch.

“And I have these!” Charlie’s outburst pulls me from my daydream. She reaches down into her bag and sets a white box imprinted with The Sweet Spot logo on the table. “This will be my last Friday cupcake day, so I had to get them.” She flips open the box showcasing the salted caramel cupcakes with coconut brittle.

I peer into the box. “These aren’t plain vanilla with a buttercream frosting.” I eye her suspiciously.

She shrugs a shoulder. “It was time for something different. Something unpredictable.” A smile graces her face as she wraps her arms around Bennett’s waist. Instinctively, his arm wraps around her shoulder and he places a quick kiss on her forehead.

Their lovey-dovey moment is making me want to have one of my own with Seth in private. Bennett swings his arm, causing Charlie’s clutch to fly to the floor. When Charlie bends down to retrieve it, I nod my head to Seth, wordlessly telling him we should leave. As I turn back toward everyone at the table, Charlie is eyeing me suspiciously. That’s when I know it’s time to go. “It’s been fun, everyone. I have a few things at home I need to get done so I’m going to call it a night.” Both Olivia and Charlie stand, and I give them a round of hugs.