Seth rises from his seat as well. “Yeah. I’m going to head out, too. I’ve got some things to do.”

Wanting to make it appear like we’re not leaving together, I leave first. Luckily, Bennett stops Seth and that buys me a head start. Giving everyone a wave over my shoulder as I meander through the tables toward the exit, a hand on my elbow stops me.

“Hey, Parisa.”

Just the sound of his voice makes me want to jab a pencil in my ear. Any bedroom playtime with Seth is now ruined since my vagina has shriveled up and gone drier than the Sahara Desert. Clenching my jaw, I turn around. “What do you want, Chet?”

“Is that all you have to say to me?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Well, I was being polite, but since that’s out the window…Go fuck yourself.”

“Aww, you know it’s so much better when you’re there with me.” He winks at his two other friends at the table.

“You’re so disgusting. I’m glad we broke up. It’s been the best thing that’s happened to me.”

“Oh, come on, you know you miss me.” Chet stands so he’s right in front of me and rubs his grimy hands up and down my biceps.

I shake him off and take a step back. “I miss you as much as I would miss a yeast infection.”

“Hey Parisa, is everything okay?” Seth stands next to me.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s get out of here.” Instinctively, I grab Seth’s hand and start to walk away, but Chet sidesteps into my path.

“Whoa. No need to leave so soon. This your new boyfriend? If you ask me, I’d say you downgraded.” Chet sizes up Seth.

“It’s a good thing no one asked you then.”

“Come on Parisa. We had some good times together. You always liked that thing I did with my tongue. Wanna go back to my place, and we can relive some old memories?”

“I would find more pleasure in setting myself on fire than ever being with you again,” I spit back.

“And this guy knows how to keep you satisfied? Wait, let me guess, he’s a co-worker of yours?”

“Keep Seth out of this.”

Chet leans around me to look at Seth. “She’s got a thing for co-workers. Always opening her legs to get to the top.”

“Fuck off, Chet. I told you about that position. And I had more qualifications, but because you have a penis, they gave you the job instead.”

Seth steps in front of me. “How about you leave her alone? She didn’t do anything to you.”

“Didn’t do anything to me? You hear this bullshit she’s spouting? Thinking she’s better than me.” Chet sneers at Seth.

“Because I am better than you. You’re beneath me. The moment you told everyone I was sleeping with you so I could get the promotion, I knew I was better than you. Hell, Seth is way better than you are.” My gaze drifts to Seth, then back to Chet. “Everyone in the bar is better than you are.”

“Holy shit. You two are fucking. And what’s with the bow tie? This isn’t the 1900s.” Chet flicks Seth’s bow tie.

I’ve never seen Seth so angry. I’m surprised steam isn’t shooting out of his ears. He wraps an arm around my waist, guiding me so I’m behind him and steps up into Chet’s face. “Don’t touch me. Don’t touch Parisa. Hell, don’t even talk to her. She’s done with you.”

Chet takes a step closer until he’s nose to nose with Seth. “Oh yeah, and what are you going to do if I do?”

I step out of the way as Seth shoves Chet’s chest, so he’s no longer in his face. He stumbles back a few steps before finding his balance. The two guys sitting with Chet stand and congregate behind him. His eyes narrow to slits before he comes after Seth with a right hook. Acting quickly, Seth ducks out of the way and takes a step back as Chet stumbles into a table, knocking over a pint glass that shatters on the ground. The noise draws attention from the other bar patrons. When he rights himself, he flares his nostrils, and he comes after Seth. But this time Seth balls his fingers into a fist and hits him in his left cheek. Chet stumbles back again and nearly hits the floor, but his friends catch him. Bennett and Trey appear behind us ready to stick up for their friend. Chet lunges for Seth, but a muscular arm across his chest halts him in his tracks.

“Dude. What the fuck? Get off me.” Chet struggles, but is no match against Jake’s strength.

“I have one rule here. No fighting. And your dumbass couldn’t follow that. Now you can get the fuck out or I can throw your ass out. The choice is yours.”

“He started it. He punched me. You should throw his ass out.”