Tugging the cardigan off my chair in the dining room, I throw it on while I shove my feet into my shoes. I look down at my ridiculous outfit of yoga pants, tank top, and oversized cardigan and realize I don’t care what I look like, and I know Seth won’t either. Then I’m out the door. Once I reach the back parking lot, I stop dead in my tracks. Tucked into the door handle of my black SUV is another pink dahlia and another note. Jogging to my car, my heart pitter patters in my chest as I open the note.


Head to Bristol Beach. Inside the Free Little Library is a copy of your favorite book and there you will find your next clue.


With my pulse racing and a wide grin taking over my face, I throw open my car door and turn over the ignition. I’ve never had a guy do something so sweet and romantic for me and he’s not even my boyfriend. Then I think of the ex and my heart sinks a little. But Seth isn’t like him, right? Pulling out of the apartment parking lot, I turn right and drive toward the lake. There are five stop lights from my place to the park where Bristol Beach is located, and I’ve managed to hit every red light. By the time I finally pull into the park, anticipation is buzzing through my body. I find the closest empty parking spot and pull in. Luckily, now that the weather is getting cooler, not as many people like to enjoy the beach, except for the few dedicated people who delight in watching the transformation of the green leaves to orange, red, and yellow as they walk the trails.

As soon as I spot the Free Little Library, I jog over to it with hopes I have no issue finding the book because even though I’ve pushed Seth away all week, I’ve missed him so much. And I have no idea how I want to navigate this, but I want to figure it out with Seth. Once I find the wood box, I pinpoint the book that I know must be for me through the glass door. Unhooking the latch, I open the door and pull out the book. Dear Life by Meghan Quinn. I run my finger down the cover. I can’t believe he remembered. Out of hours of conversation we’ve had, he remembered this. Flipping open the cover, I’m greeted with another note. Tucking the book under my arm, I peel back the layers of folded paper until I see his handwriting.


Follow the path next to the picnic area and you’ll find me waiting in the gazebo.


My heart rate spikes as I know the exact spot Seth is waiting for me. I’ve been there many times to take photographs. Hurriedly, I find the pebbled pathway and follow the trail through the trees. With each step, the fallen leaves crunch beneath my feet. Between the trees, the gazebo comes into sight, and I pick up my pace. Finally, when I reach the opening, I slow down. Sitting on top of a picnic table inside the gazebo along the shoreline is Seth, as he looks out toward the horizon over the lake. Where water meets the sky. The vast openness of possibilities. That’s when I realize I don’t want to fight my feelings anymore.

I try to sneak up on Seth, but the rustle of leaves gives me away and he turns around, a beaming smile taking over his face. I can’t help but reciprocate with a smile of my own. Seth climbs down to his feet and greets me, his arms wrapping around me, almost swallowing me. I bury my head in his chest and inhale his scent I’m so familiar with.

With his chin resting on top of my head, Seth breaks the silence. “I’m glad you were able to follow the clues to find me.”

“This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. And the book, I love it. How did you know no one was going to take it?” I clutch the book to my chest.

“I didn’t. I took a chance and held out hope. And I prayed you would actually follow directions for once.” The corners of his eyes crinkle as his lips pull into a smile.

“Very funny. I know how to follow directions.” I elbow him in the ribs.

“The only time you’re good at following directions is when an orgasm is soon to follow.”

“See. You know exactly how to get me to listen.”

“Here, let’s sit.” Seth guides me to the front of a picnic table, and we take a seat on the top as our feet rest on the bench. “Are you cold? I have a blanket. Also, I brought some hot chocolate.” Seth holds up a red thermos.

“Hot chocolate sounds amazing, actually.”

Seth pulls out two mugs from the bag he brought with him and fills both our cups.

“Marshmallows?” He holds up a bag of tiny marshmallows.

“Always. Who drinks hot chocolate without marshmallows?”

“My thoughts exactly.” Seth plops a scoop of marshmallows into my steaming cup of hot chocolate and passes it to me.

I bring the mug up to my nose with both hands, the metal camp mug warming my fingers, and inhale a deep breath. The aroma of warm, chocolaty liquid mixed with the sweet marshmallow warms my soul. I take a sip. It tastes even better than it smells. I take another sip before I set my mug down and when I turn toward Seth, he’s holding out a cupcake.

“I was told the way to your heart was with your favorite cupcake.” Sitting in the palm of Seth’s outstretched hand is a chocolate salted caramel cupcake.

“How did you know?” I pluck the fluffy frosted cake from his hand and peel back the wrapper with The Sweet Spot logo printed on the side and take a bite.

“I ran into your sister at the grocery store. Didn’t realize you had a twin. Could have made things less awkward when she assaulted me with a cereal box.”

Little bits of cake fly out of my mouth as I cough at his response. Seth reaches around and hands me my hot chocolate for a drink. Once my coughing fit is over, I respond. “That must be why she was always smiling at me whenever I saw her.”

“I asked her not to say anything.”

I take another bite of my cupcake, buying myself extra time to decide on what I want to say to him. Since there are no perfect words, I just let it out. “I owe you an explanation.”