“Yes. But how do you know me?”

“Parisa. That’s my sister. Twin sister to be exact. She’s mentioned a Seth who likes to wear colorful bow ties and black rimmed glasses.” She points to my navy blue plaid bow tie. “I’m Hollyn.” She holds out her hand for me to shake.

“So, she’s talked about me?”

She chuckles. “Don’t flatter yourself. I wouldn’t exactly say they were good things. Just how annoying you are with the nitpicking and how everything needs to be so precise and organized—”

“Thanks, I got it. But she hasn’t said anything else, maybe more recently?” My eyebrows raise in anticipation that maybe she’s mentioned me to someone.

She taps her chin for a moment. “Come to think of it, she hasn’t mentioned anything about you in a while. Maybe you haven’t got on her last nerve as of late? She has been cheerier and more upbeat lately. Did you quit?”

Supplying her with plenty of orgasms is what I want to say, but think better of it. “No, we still work together. Well currently, she’s not speaking to me and I’m not sure why. We’ve been able to bond over a mutual interest the last few weeks so things have been good, but I must have said something to make her mad.”

“I know she’s had some issues with previous co-workers. It’s not really my place to tell, so you’ll have to ask her. Sorry I can’t be more of a help.”

“No. That’s alright. You’ve helped a lot. Also, what’s with the ear buds in the grocery store? It’s not very safe. Anyone could sneak up on you. Like I just did.”

“It’s helps me stay focused. Have you ever gone grocery shopping on an empty stomach?”

“No.” I give her a slight headshake.

“Don’t. Otherwise, you end up with a cart full of junk and nothing you came here for.”

“Noted. But what if something were to happen? How would you know?”

“If you were about to be hit by a bus, would you rather know it’s coming or would you rather have it just happen?”

“I would want to know so I can plan and prepare.”

“And I would rather leave it a surprise.”

I nod at her response.

“But I should get going. It was nice to finally meet you, Seth.” She turns around and continues her way down the aisle, but quickly twirls around. “Also…” Her voice causes me to lift my head. “If you didn’t know, her favorite flowers are dahlias. Just don’t tell her I told you. And stop by the bakery. If you’re armed with her favorite treat, she won’t be able to resist you.” She digs in her wrist wallet and passes me her business card before giving me a wink.

Then she’s turning around again, but I call out to her, and she twirls around. “Can you not say anything to Parisa?” She motions as if she’s zipping her lips, then she’s out of sight. I stare down at the white card stock with The Sweet Spot in raised ink on the top. Flowers and pastries. Sounds easy enough, but a gut feeling tells me it's not going to be that easy.


You’ll find me waiting


A soft knock on my door startles me from watching reruns on the television. Maybe that’s what I need to do. Move to a small town and fall in love with my neighbor, but maybe skip the whole hating each other thing because I’m so over that. Then the knock sounds again, slightly more aggressive this time, and I jump to my feet. Before answering, I gaze through the peephole, but only an arrangement of light and dark pink dahlias fill the glass hole.

Upon opening the door, a teenage boy with long, floppy hair whirls around and shoves the bouquet at me. “Who are these from? How did you get in here?” I spit out the questions because I don’t know what else to say.

The kid shoves his hand through his hair to push it out of his face. “Some guy paid me twenty bucks to bring these up here after he got one of your neighbors to open the front door.”

I grab the vase from him and before I can say thank you, he’s descending the stairs. Turning around, I kick the door closed with my foot and make my way into the kitchen to set the flowers down. Bending at the waist, I inhale their light floral scent. Delicately placed inside the bouquet, I find a card and pull it out. Dragging my finger across the back to break the seal, I pull out a small white card. Turning it over, I read what’s written.


I’m sorry I spooked you earlier. That was never my intention. If I’m being perfectly honest, I feel like I’m free falling off a cliff for you. And I want to tell you in person. So, head out to your car and you’ll find your next clue.


A smile instantly lights up my face from his words. As much as this man drives me crazy, it’s the best kind of crazy. I don’t know what got into me after Maggie caught us kissing. This arrangement was supposed to be just between the two of us because once other people find out that’s when people talk. And I don’t want people talking. But I can stop fooling myself, he’s constantly on my mind. It’s more than the orgasms, even though those are nice too. I miss talking to him and his random tidbits of knowledge. If he can go to this length for me, the least I can do is give him an explanation for my behavior.