Page 11 of The Mission

Oh fuck.In all Conrad’s internal debates ofshould I, shouldn’t I go,he’d never factored in that he’d have to share with someone. He’d just thought that as Ernesto would be sharing with Mark, he’d get a room of his own.I’m an idiot.

“You look as though someone’s just told you that you made a mistake on a balance sheet,” Arlo said. “Added two and two and got five. I’m guessing you don’t want to share a room with him.”

“No.” Conrad groaned. “I think I’d actually pay nownotto be going.”

“But then you wouldn’t have met me.”

“For fourteen hundred pounds, you’d better be good entertainment, glue or no glue.”

“I love a challenge!”

“Apparently, I am very challenging.”

“You’re very charming and very funny and very good-looking. A lot ofverys.”

Conrad’s brain turned to mush.

Arlo was relieved Conrad was such a nice guy. More than nice. He reallywascharming, funny and good-looking.Very.The head-butting over the passport hadn’t been planned, but standing behind him in the queue had been. The rest had worked out perfectly and if after two hours they hadn’t hit it off, then Arlo would have been disappointed but sanguine, and he’d have enjoyed the slopes with his brothers and not thought of all the time he’d wasted getting to this point. Well, not thought about it much. And Conrad would have never known that he’d been stalked.


Two hours flew by and Conrad had never enjoyed a flight more. The meal had been great, the champagne had flowed and so had the conversation. Books, music, films, food…especially music. They had a lot in common apart from the size of their families, the love of their parents, the schools they went to, the holidays they took and…Stop it.There was a spark. Conrad felt it. And that they both played the cello… Well, that revelation had amazed him, though Arlo hadn’t seemed quite as surprised. Conrad didn’t believe in love at first sight or love at first conversation, but…

Arlo’s family was huge. His father was Austrian and Arlo had relations in the country as well as in the UK. Conrad had enjoyed hearing about them, though it had also slightly depressed him because Arlo clearly had plenty of people to ski with and didn’t need to pair up with a Johnny-no-mates. So Conrad held back his suggestion that maybe he might like to meet up on the slopes, or in a bar, or in his bed. Arlo’s bed, not his, not with David likely to interrupt.Oh God, as if I was likely to suggest any of that.But daydreaming was nice.

One thing that Arlo had unwittingly done was restore a little of Conrad’s confidence. He’d felt more like his old self—the pre-Mark self. Though sadly not confident enough to ask for Arlo’s number. But even if he never saw the guy again, he was so glad he’d met him.I am better than I was. I’m not weak anymore.

Conrad had done therapy. Several sessions online had made a real difference. Isabella had brought him to appreciate some home truths. Even though Conrad’s parents had damaged him, Mark too, he wasn’t mortally wounded. He could be a better man.

He was a work in progress. Though he did wonder about Arlo getting him upgraded. Should he be worried or flattered? He’d go for flattered.

The plane landed and Conrad turned to face him. “Thanks so much for getting me upgraded. I really enjoyed myself. You were great company. Well worth the fourteen hundred pounds, even if I’m going to question that the moment David and I are in a room together.”

“I hope you don’t!” Arlo took out his phone. “Want to exchange numbers?”

Hell yes!“Okay.”

“Onlyokay? You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”

Conrad groaned. “You were almost treated to me jigging up and down the aisle in delight,andthe seat belt sign is still on. You must have noticed by now I’m a stickler for rules. I was trying to play it cool. Read much more into thatokay,please.”

Arlo’s little finger touched Conrad’s and Conrad’s lungs locked.Oh God.That was most definitely a spark.I could convince myself I’d actually seen alittle arc of current zapping between us.

“Do you believe in spontaneous combustion?” Conrad asked.

“Not until now.” Arlo’s eyes looked glazed. “I’ll call you. Don’t spontaneously combust in the meantime. I’d be so disappointed. Save it for when we’re together. Except not literally because we’d make a horrible mess and that’s not the sort of mess I want to make with you.”

Conrad’s heart was busy bouncing up and down. A holiday romance was all this would be, probably, but he’d take it. A Christmas present to himself. It would be the only one he got and the thought of it made him feel as if he’d waited all his life to get the very best of presents this year. Time with Arlo. And no, flings weren’t his thing but look where holding out for a relationship had landed him, with a guy who wasnotwhat he wanted, needed or deserved. He and Mark had never been on the same page. Thatwashis fault as much as Mark’s.So be nice.

“Would you rather call me?” Arlo asked as they headed into the terminal.

“Yes. Either. Please. I’ve forgotten sentences how to talk in.”

Arlo smiled. “Do you need a lift?”

“We’re being collected, but thanks.”

“I’m using my Austrian passport to bypass the queue, so we part ways here. My brother’s picking me up. See you soon, okay?”