Page 76 of Fighting Fate

I don’t know what I expected out of homecoming—maybe balloons, paper streamers, and a DJ playing popular music that I’m just not into. But I guess I shouldn’t have expected that out of a school like West Raven Academy. This school doesn’t cheap out on anything, even silly high school dances.

The school got a band to play, not a DJ. And the band actually isn’t bad. And there are no balloons or streamers. Of course, the dance is being held in the school’s ballroom. What other occasion would a school need a ballroom for?

Harper looks beautiful in her pink dress. Her hair is partly up and partly down. Her date, Reed, hasn’t left her side all evening. It’s really sweet to see the two of them together. I’m glad that my friend is happy. She deserves it. Reed is a much better pick than Finley. Though, to be fair, Finley was an assassin who only dated her to get close to me. I’m just glad she never found out the truth.

Hunter stays by my side, which is exactly what I expected out of the night. But he is being sweet and dancing with me. He’s a surprisingly good dancer, though I don’t know why I’m surprised. Hunter is good at everything he does.

Once again, I’m glad that Griffin decided to back out last minute. If he hadn’t, I’m sure Hunter would’ve tried to get me another date. I only wanted to go with him.

After a little while, Hunter leads me onto a balcony, away from the crowds. I lean over the rail, looking over the campus. West Raven is an immaculate school, one I don’t fit in at. I feel like an imposter here.

“You look beautiful tonight,” Hunter says, stepping up beside me.

I glance over at him, grinning. “Like anybody is looking at me when I’m standing next to you.”

My cheeks grow warm as I realize what I just said.

Hunter is aware that he’s a good looking guy, he has to be. But I don’t want him to suspect that I’m attracted to him. If he does and he realizes the extent of my feelings, things would get very awkward.

Then again, maybe he should know. Maybe if he knows the truth he can gently let me down and maybe I could get over him.

This crush is very unrequited. I know that. But I still hold a little hope that maybe he could feel the same.

“Is that what you think?” Hunter smirks, shaking his head. “Cove, I went to Spy School. I was surrounded by beautiful, intelligent women, but trust me when I tell you that none of those women can hold a candle to you.”

I suck in a sharp breath, not knowing what to say or think about what he’s saying. Could it be possible that he feels the same as I do?

No. There is no way.

But… his words feel like there’s hope.

“You don’t look like you believe me.” Hunter focuses his green eyes on me.

I shake my head slightly. “I don’t. There is no way a guy like you feels that way about me. I’m nothing.”

Hunter’s jaw drops open and he looks at me for a few moments, not saying a word.

I wonder what he’s thinking. He has to know that I’m right.

He shakes his head back and forth, his green eyes focused solely on me. “Cove Lawson, you can’t possibly believe that.”

I open my mouth to respond, but I don’t know what to say.

Hunter takes a step closer to me. “If you understood how stunning you are…” his words trail off and he takes a deep breath. “Sometimes I don’t think it’s fair that I got you as an assignment. How can I possibly focus on my job when all I want to do is kiss you?”

My heart races.

Hunter wants to kissme?

Certainly I heard him wrong.

Still, I find myself taking a step closer to him. “There is no way you feel that way, Hunter. I’m just the girl you were forced to babysit that one time. I’m an assignment you’ll forget about.”

“I could never forget you.” Hunter closes the distance between us, gently pressing his lips against mine.

I’m only shocked for a second before I kiss him back.

My first kiss. With the only guy I’ve wanted to kiss. And it’s absolutely perfect.