Page 75 of Fighting Fate

As far away from my family as I can.

Liam will just have to come visit me. Because I won’t even be going back to the city to see him.

“I’ve seen how much money you’re getting—it’s a lot, Cove. More than enough to last multiple lifetimes,” Hunter says.

I worry my bottom lip between my teeth. “It must be a lot if somebody is willing to kill me for it. I don’t want it. I just need enough to get away from my mother and stepfather. I could save that person a lot of time and money.”

“That money is yours. Your father left it to you. He left some to his parents, but most of his fortune is left to you in his will.”

I glance at Hunter. “Seriously?”

I had no idea that Chris Lawson even knew my name. I never met him, though I always wanted to.

He nods. “He had a pretty iron tight will. Your mom was only able to get enough money for your essentials growing up.”

I grin. “I know. She hates me for it. When he died, my mom was so happy. I think she thought she was going to be very rich. Right after that, once she realized she wasn’t getting anything, she met my stepfather.”

“Your stepfather.” Hunter shakes his head. “He’s a pretty shady guy. We’ve been investigating him. Honestly, I don’t know how he hasn’t got on Spy School radar before. The FBI has investigated him a lot, but they always get paid off.”

“The FBI can be paid off?” I ask.

He nods. “They’re not a good organization, Cove. It’s why Spy School is independent—we don’t answer to any country. We can’t be bought.”

That’s a scary thought—that the people who are supposed to protect us can be paid off. Good thing Spy School does exist. I can’t imagine the mess our world would be in without them.

Hunter shuts off the curling iron. “I’m going to leave you to get dressed.”

“Thank you.”

I look in the mirror as Hunter leaves my room, surprised that my hair looks so good. How is Hunter better at fixing hair than I am? I might have to hire him to fix my hair every morning. Had I only known…

I put on the dress that Harper picked out for me, trying to be careful not to mess up my hair. I’m glad that I put my foot down and told Harper I wouldn’t be wearing heels, but I’m also glad she wouldn’t let me wear sneakers with my dress. The white sandals finish off the look.

When I look in the mirror, I can barely recognize myself. I almost look… pretty.

My heart is racing as I head out of my room and down the hallway. I’m so glad that Griffin couldn’t come because I’d much rather be going with Hunter anyway.

When I walk into the living room, Hunter’s eyes widen as he looks at me. I see his Adam’s apple bob up and down slowly.

“Wow,” he says.

My cheeks grow warm. “Thanks for the hair. And the dress. And shoes. And being my date.”

Pretty much, everything about tonight is thanks to Hunter. Without him, there is no way I could’ve gotten a dress and shoes. And I don’t know how I could’ve done my hair.

“Can I have your phone?” Hunter asks.

“Uh, sure.” I pass it over it him.

He holds it up. “Smile.”

He snaps the picture and then does something else with my phone. I’m curious what he’s doing. When he hands it back, I groan as I realize he texted Griffin from my phone. He texted him the picture, along with the caption, ‘This is Hunter. See what you missed out on because you’re an idiot.’


He grins. “I am not going to apologize for saying the truth. But it’s okay. His loss is my gain.”

I shouldn’t have done that.