My heart starts racing again at the mention of the elemental.

“Are you nervous?” he asks.

I nod, chewing on my bottom lip.

“Don’t be.” Devin laces our fingers together. “This is going to go well, you’ll see.”

I hope he’s right. I need this to be perfect. “Thank you for believing in me.”

Devin leads me out of my bedroom and we walk down the stairs together. Part of me expected the earth elemental to be waiting downstairs for us, but there is nobody.

“Where are we going?” I ask.

“We’re going to meet the elemental in a clearing. Damian figured it was best to do your training as far away from everybody else as we can get,” Devin says.

“He’s probably right about that.”

Once we walk out the front door, we climb onto the golf cart Damian uses to get around the island. If we’re not walking it must be a ways from here.

“I figured that you’ll be tired after your training session.” Devin takes off down a well worn path. “I figured driving would be for the best today.”

“Thanks.” I angle my body toward him as he drives. “I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be.” Devin reaches his free hand over and laces our fingers together. “I’m not going to leave your side today. Everything will work out.”

I relax at his words. Knowing Devin will be there does make everything better. No matter what, he won’t let anything happen to me. Whatever happens, happens.

I lean back in my seat, taking in the views on the ride. Devin drives the golf cart through a path between thick foliage and trees. Everything is still so green despite the fact that it’s February. The smell of salt water is strong in the air.

This is paradise. Though, true happiness doesn’t from where I am—it’s from those who I’m surrounded by. And Devin is a good person to have at my side.

When we pull into the clearing, I spot another golf cart parked. I wipe my sweaty palms on the skirt of my dress as I climb out. My heart pounds a little bit faster. Devin cocks an eyebrow as he looks at me. He’s probably trying to make sure I’m not going to pass out, but I’m notthatnervous.

Devin once again laces our fingers together as he tugs me forward to meet the earth elemental that is going to be training me.

In the middle of the clearing, we are met by a woman who appears to be in her early twenties. Her brown hair is pulled into a braid at the side of her head, and her green eyes shift between Devin and me as we walk toward her.

“Alpha Benson.” The girl nods at him, then looks at me. “Princess Hastings.”

“Victoria,” I correct, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “Tori, if you don’t mind.”

“Tori,” she repeats, her lips turning up in the corners. “I am Winter. King Mundus asked me to come here to train you. I have to admit, I’ve never trained anybody over the age of ten before. I’m not sure how this will go.”

I like Winter. Something about her feels… familiar. Like she’s already part of the family. I instantly relax as I realize this isn’t going to be nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

Devin’s entire body stiffens as he looks from Winter to me. “Tori, would you mind terribly if I went to help Damian with something?”

“Is everything all right?” I turn to him, my stomach tight with nerves.

Did King Hastings do something? Is the pack under attack?

“Everything is fine. I simply need to talk to him,” Devin says.

Because we’re touching hands, I can feel that everything is all right. He’s anxious about something, but it’s a good anxious. I don’t understand it, but I eventually nod.

“Sure.” I furrow my brows as I watch him. He promised he wouldn’t leave me today, but he must feel how comfortable I am with Winter. Surely he knows that I’ll be safe with her and that’s why he’s comfortable leaving me here.

“I’ll be back,” Devin promises, then turns to Winter. “It is very nice to meet you, Winter. I’m sure we’ll be seeing a lot of one another.”