“Goodbye, Alpha.” Winter nods her head at him again.

“It’s just Devin,” he says, but he’s already turned and is running away from us. I see his skin vibrate for a second before he shifts into his wolf. Within seconds, he runs out of my view.

I turn to face Winter, who is looking toward where Devin disappeared. Her mouth is hanging open wide.

“I’ve been around shifters before, but I’ve never seen one shift before. That was…” her voice trails off.

“I had never seen anybody shift before I came here either.” I clasp my fingers together behind my back. “So, trust me, I get it. And Devin’s an alpha, so his magic is pretty intense.”

She nods her agreement as her green eyes focus on me. “He’s your mate, right?”

I nod.

“And you’re seventeen?”

“Eighteen,” I correct.

Her lips turn down in the corner.

“How old are you?” I ask.

“Twenty two.” She sighs. “I haven’t met my mate yet. I will admit, I am quite jealous that you’ve met yours so young.”

I’m sure it doesn’t seem fair that I have met my mate so young while she is still waiting. It doesn’t make sense, but fate knows what it’s doing.

“I imagine I met Devin because fate knew I needed to.” I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. “I don’t think I would’ve survived all that is going on with my father if I didn’t have the support of Devin and the wolf shifters.”

Winter studies me carefully before nodding. “I suppose you are right. You’re awfully young, but fate doesn’t make mistakes. I am simply longing to meet my own mate. It seems worse lately. I feel antsy—like I could meet him at any minute. It’s strange.”

“Maybe you are about to meet him.” I offer her a smile. “Whoever he is, he’s a lucky guy.”

She grins. “Flattery will not get me to go easy on you.”

“I don’t want you to go easy. I need to learn all that I can.”

After that, Winter begins to teach me. It begins with meditation and learning my own emotions. Doesn’t she know I’m a dark fae? Emotions are what I do. Her emotions and mine intertwine so that I’m not even sure what is me and what is her.

Only after an hour of meditation does Winter have me use my elemental magic. She explains how to use it for something positive and tells me to make something grow. I doubt I’ll be able to, still I close my eyes. I reach for my earth magic, surprised when it responds so willingly. I have no idea what I’m doing, but I urge it to create something. I keep my eyes closed until I hear Winter gasp. Then I look to see.

“Did I do it wrong?” I ask.

“No.” She shakes her head back and forth. “You just grew a flower.”

I look at the pink hibiscus flower. I’ve seen this exact flower all over the island. “Are you sure it wasn’t there before?”

“It wasn’t,” she insists, turning to look at me. “I’ve never seen an earth elementalcreatesomething out of nothing. I thought you’d make me grass more vibrant or maybe revive some dying foliage. I didn’t think you could make a flower.”

I swallow hard. “I did it wrong. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. That was beautiful. Fantastic.” Her eyes are wide as she looks at me. “You’re stronger than I am, likely because of your hybrid blood. It’s going to be a joy to teach you how to control your powers.”

My heart warms at her words.

“I like you,” Winter says, cocking her head to the side. “I can’t explain it, but I feel like I know you. It’s like I was meant to meet you.”

I smile, glad that my mentor doesn’t hate me like I feared she would. “Thank you, Winter. I like you too. I was worried you’d hate me. You’re the first elemental I’ve ever met.”

“Well, you’re the first dark fae I’ve ever met.” She grins.