“Waiting for what?” asked Anna.
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he teased.
They pulled up in front of the lodge a moment later. Anna had the strangest feeling of homecoming—a relief, in a way. However, the conversation they were about to have probably wouldn’t be the most fun experience of her life. Gabe got out first and pulled her against his side on the way through the big double doors.
The lobby was just the way they’d left it—in full swing for the Christmas season. A pianist played carols at the grand piano, and decorations made to look like gifts had appeared under the tree.
“Those are real,” Gabe said in a low voice.
“You’re kidding.”
“No. They’ll be packed up tonight and taken to families in town who need them. Every guest here will wake up with a similar package outside their door.”
It gave her hope. If the Elkin family did things likethisat Christmas, they could surely find it in their hearts to forgive her. They had to forgive Gabe—he was family. But it was important to her that they forgive her too. Anna took a deep breath. Even if they didn’t, it would be okay, so long as Gabe still loved her.
“Stop at the suite?” Gabe asked.
“Suite afterward.” She led him resolutely to the elevator. “They’re all waiting at your grandmother’s, right?”
“That’s right.”
He seemed totally at ease as they rode up to her floor and stepped out into the hall. Anna’s heart felt too big for her body. Her pulse pounded, a drumbeat of nerves, and she took another deep breath to calm herself. Then another.
The door to Elin’s apartment opened before they could knock. Tana and Chase stood there, arms wide open. “Welcome back,” Tana said, and she grabbed them both and practically dragged them inside. She pulled Anna into a hug. “We’re so glad you’re here.”
“Are you really?” She didn’t want to let go of Tana and face the rest of the family, but that was what they’d come here to do.
Tana stepped aside, and Anna saw Elin, Jonas, and Lindsey sitting in the living room. Elin and Jonas both stood, and she couldn’t remember what she was going to say for the life of her. Gabe took her hand and led her into the living room, everyone standing as if things might go haywire at any second.
“I wanted to say that I’m so sorry,” Anna heard herself say. “For any pain that I might have caused. It was wrong of us to lie to all of you, and I wish we hadn’t done that. There’s one thing that is true—through all of this we fell in love.”
“Yes,” chimed in Gabe. “We’re together now. For real.”
Jonas cleared his throat, and Anna braced herself. “I shouldn’t have been so overbearing. I only wanted everyone to be okay and I was pushing too hard.”
“I get it,” Anna said, stepping into Jonas’s waiting arms for a brotherly bear hug.
And soon they were all gathered around, chatting and talking about their trip from the airport like it had been any other trip. Like they were two members of the family arriving for a holiday.
“I’m just happy you’re together,” Chase said, bending down for a hug of his own. “Gabe was insufferable without you.” Chase ruffled her hair and Tana knocked his hand away playfully.
As if by silent agreement, they all took seats in the living room. Anna sat next to Elin, who put an arm around her. “I’m thrilled you’re back. Gabe needed you,” she said softly. “And I have to apologize, too, if I gave you the impression that you didn’t belong here.” Elin met her eyes unflinchingly. “You do belong here, Anna. I would be honored to have you as my granddaughter.”
Her throat closed, tight with tears, and she leaned forward to draw the older woman into a hug. “You have no idea how much that means.”
A knock at the door interrupted the new flow of conversation, and Anna stood up without thinking, wiping at her eyes. “I’ll get it.”
“She’s already settled in,” Chase said, and the spill of their laughter—kind and familiar—warmed her from the inside out. She was accepted here. Loved. It was the most comforting feeling she could have dreamed of.
At the door, a bellboy waited with a red box in his hands. “Oh! We must have forgotten this in the car.” Anna took the cake and reached into her pocket for a tip. All she had was a twenty, but she pressed it into his hand. It was Christmas, after all.
She returned to the living room and cleared her throat. “I have an announcement.”
Elin’s hand went to her throat.
“It’s not that I’m pregnant,” she said, shooting Elin a grin.
Tana let out a huge breath.