“It’s that Gabe baked me a cake.”

“That’s almost a bigger deal,” said Jonas, and then they were all looking at him and the cake as she unveiled his creation.

“Who wants a slice?” Anna called out. “I’m cutting it right now.” She was met with silence. “Oh, come on. He did a good job!”

The brothers laughed again, and Anna even forgave Jonas for his wariness about Gabe’s first baked dessert. He genuinely loved his family and he wanted what was best for them, even if he could be a little pigheaded about what was best. When she returned from the kitchen a few minutes later, with a tray laden with pieces of sliced cake on plates, he was the first to step up and take one.

The family took their seats in the living room again, each one turning their cake over for inspection and then looking to one another, as if for reassurance.

“Who’s going to go first?” Gabe asked. “Oh, never mind. I made it, so I’ll take the plunge.” He cut off a piece with his fork and popped it into his mouth without hesitation. Anna held her breath. She had never wanted someone to be successful more in her life. Gabe’s eyes went wide. “Oh my god,” he said. “It’s good. I’m not even kidding—it looks weird, but it tastes delicious.”

Everybody followed suit after that, and Anna took a bite. Oh, it wasdelicious.Soft and wonderful, with a hint of vanilla. Gabe had done an excellent job. Anna leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Save it for when you’re alone,” Chase teased.

“No way,” Gabe said, leaning over to kiss her in return.

* * *

Gabe crawled into bed beside her at the end of the longest, happiest day of Anna’s life. Christmas Eve with the Elkin family had run late and Elin had retired much earlier, exhausted from the fun and her treatments taking its toll. Jonas and Chase had stayed to talk by the fire, while Tana and Lindsey had slipped out together over her protests.

It was only when Anna finally whispered to Gabe that she was ready for bed that he’d made a move to leave. The truth was Anna wanted to be alone with him. And now he was here, stretching out beside her and running a hand over her face. “I love you,” he said.

“I want you,” she said, a huge grin keeping her from making it a seductive invitation.

His eyebrows rose. “Yeah?”

Anna reached over and tugged down his boxers, revealing the thick, hard length of him. “You want me, too.”

“I don’t deny it.”

She climbed on top of him, and Gabe slid his hands up underneath her big, soft sleep shirt. The higher his hands went, the wider his eyes got. Anna wasn’t wearing anything underneath.

He finally gripped her waist and pulled her down over his chest to kiss her, deep and hard and fierce, and she pressed herself down on the hard ridge of him and rocked her hips back and forth. Anna was already slick, already wanting. There was a time for elaborate foreplay and lingering between her legs, but this wasn’t it.

Gabe groaned into her mouth, his hands digging into her hips. He stuck a hand out, and it collided with the bedside table, almost knocking the lamp over. His low growl showed his impatience as he wrenched the drawer open and dug inside for a foil packet. Gabe ripped it open with his teeth, and in one swift move, rolled it on, his knuckles teasing at the soft, slick parts of her.

Anna lifted herself up, feeling on top of the world, and worked herself down over his shaft with a breathy moan that she couldn’t have stopped if she wanted to.

Gabe swore. “You’re a beautiful sight to see like this,” he said, voice strained, eyes sweeping over her.

“I’d rather—focus—on feeling.” She rocked her hips over him, grinding into the stretch and the pleasure, and as she touched his base, he thrust up into her with startling power. It didn’t matter if she was on top. He was still in control, always there for her. Anna bent down and kissed the exposed flesh of his neck where it rose from the collar of his shirt, and his arms came around her, caging her there.

There was nowhere else she’d rather be in the world.

Gabe pumped into her, and she met him thrust for thrust, the bodies rocking together, the pleasure winding and curling low in her belly until the next graze of his skin on her clit set her off like a Christmas firecracker, and she came, shuddering, digging into Gabe’s shirt with her fingers and holding on for dear life.

Then she pushed herself upright and leaned into the wash of sensation. Each breath was a new miracle, and the steady back and forth of him inside her, a perfect fit. It brought her slowly up into another wave of pleasure.

Anna tipped her chin down and met his eyes, loving how they burned with intensity for her. His whole body was a picture of longing—all tight muscles, a freshly bitten lip, and restless hands that caressed every inch of her skin.

Gabe held her gaze as he came, gritting his teeth and sucking in a short, sharp breath, and Anna collapsed on top of him. They rolled together over the sheets, Gabe landing on top of her.

Her handsome billionaire.

Her dream come true.

Gabe bent to kiss her lips, and a pleasant tiredness descended along with him. “You did good today,” he said softly. “We did good. Now sleep. Tomorrow’s Christmas.”