“As many minutes as you want,” she whispered back, giving her friends a little wave.
The two of them went down the hall to a large study nearby. Jonas instantly felt relaxed walking into it. His grandmother had kept their grandfather’s collection of books intact, and it was like she’d gathered the whole family here to support him. The past was all around him, in the books on the shelves and the voices filtering in from down the hall. Jonas drew Rachel over to an enormous picture window near the fireplace that looked out over the ski hill, lit up for the night and watched over by the stars.
Rachel took his hand. They looked at the scene together until Jonas’s breathing settled into a regular pattern. “What was it you wanted to talk about?” she murmured.
He got down on one knee, still holding her hand. Rachel gasped, her eyes instantly filling with tears. “I wanted to tell you that I’ve never loved anyone like I love you.” Emotion threatened to overwhelm him, but he swallowed it back. “You’re everything to me. You’re the sun and the moon and—the entire universe, really.”
She giggled, squeezing his hand.
“I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”
Rachel stared, her eyes wide with wonder. Jonas remembered this look—it was the way she’d looked at him from across the restaurant on the first night they met.
“The engagement can be as long as you want,” he said quickly. “If you feel any pressure at all, you can say no, and we can leave this behind us—”
“Yes,” Rachel said. “Yes.” The second yes came out as a delighted cry, and she threw herself down to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him hard and fast. He could taste the salt of her tears on her lips. “I’ll marry you. I’ll marry you tomorrow if that’s what you want.”
Jonas took the box out from his pocket and opened it, watching the progression of emotions on her face—anticipation, then shock, and then deep joy. “Jonas,” she gasped. “This is gorgeous.”
It was a diamond solitaire set in platinum. “This ring reminded me of your beauty and perfection.” Jonas took the ring from the box and slid it onto Rachel’s finger, and the two of them watched the fire reflected in its surface. “I’ve been nervous all day,” he admitted.
Rachel put a finger under his chin and raised his eyes to hers. “I’ve been a little nervous today, too.”
She bit her lip, eyes shining. “I’ve got big news to tell you.”
His heart thudded, running through the possible scenarios in his mind.
“I’m pregnant,” Rachel whispered.
Joy shot through him like fireworks—hundreds of them. He kissed her, clumsily in his state of shock, then pulled back to look at her face. “You’re pregnant,” he repeated.
“And you get to be there for the whole thing this time. I—” Rachel’s voice was thick with tears and love. “We’re going to do this together.”
He was over the moon. Jonas ran a palm over her belly, imagining what it would look like when it started to swell with his child. Their child. He hadn’t allowed himself to think any more about missing her pregnancy with Scott, but now his heart cracked open with it. Getting to be there would heal him in ways he couldn’t begin to anticipate. It would heal her, too. She wouldn’t have to do this alone. He’d be by her side at every opportunity. “Pregnant,” he said again. “With my baby.”
“With your baby,” she said with a laugh. “And if it’s a girl, I’d like to name her after Elin.”
Oh, she knew just how to get to his heart. “Let’s go tell her and everyone else.” Jonas was wild with joy, and it was all he could do to keep from running back to the living room. The last year had been a miracle, every single day a blessing shared with Grandmother. And now, he had another blessing to share with her.
They burst into the living room and Jonas raised Rachel’s hand high in the air. “We’re engaged,” he announced. It was not the smooth announcement he’d imagined, but it didn’t matter—his family erupted into applause and cheers. Scott came running to leap into his arms. “And Rachel is expecting,” he added, letting the cat out of the bag.
Another round of cheers, and Tana and Anna descended to hug Rachel. Grandmother got up a bit slower, but she joined in, too. She came to him first and squeezed his hands. “Congratulations,” she whispered. “I’m thrilled for you. The both of you.”
“If it’s a girl, her name will be Elin,” he said, his voice low as he shared the wonderful news. “We’re going to name the baby after you.”
Grandmother patted the sides of his cheeks, a sheen of tears in her eyes. “That’s lovely,” she said. “That’s the loveliest thing I’ve ever heard.” She turned away from Jonas and went to Rachel, drawing her in for a big hug. “When do you think you’ll be married?”
Jonas saw the hope in his grandmother’s eyes. Every day that passed was a loan from the universe, he knew—and they were grateful for every single one. Rachel met his eyes. “Valentine’s Day.”
“Valentine’s Day!” Tana clapped her hands. “I love it. The entire world will be celebrating with you. We’llallbe celebrating with you. I can’t wait.”
Jonas stepped over to Rachel and wrapped his free arm around her while Scott hugged him hard. “Daddy, pick me up, pwease?” he asked softly, his three-year-old vocabulary much improved. It was his favorite thing to say, and Jonas hoped he never stopped.
“Of course, kiddo,” Jonas told him. He turned to Rachel. “I love you,” he said. “I love all of you,” he added, earning himself another laugh from his brothers. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” they all replied.