A rush of images came to her, one by one. Seeing him in the lodge restaurant that first night, the first time she’d become aware of his existence. Jonas over her in bed, his powerful gaze concentrated only on her face as if she were the only woman in the world. Driving away from the resort afterward, knowing that she was leaving a piece of her heart behind.
“I mean, I’ve been drawn to you since the moment I first saw you.” She traced the line of his lips with one of her fingertips. “I wanted you,” she admitted. “I wanted you so much it was like the pull of gravity. But back then, I wasn’t ready for a relationship of this magnitude.”
The world seemed to shift around them—was still shifting, even as they lay here safe in bed. It was rearranging itself to get out of their way. Nothing would stop her from being with him now. Not her mother, not her past—nothing. “I’m so lucky that we’re here together, now.”
He stroked her hair, gazing down at her with the same intensity as that very first night. “Me too,” he murmured. “Which is why we should talk about the future. If only briefly.” Jonas cracked a smile that sent another wave of pleasure down to the tips of her toes. “I know it’s late, and you’re tired.”
“What about the future?” As if to prove him right, Rachel yawned, unable to stop herself. “I’ll talk about anything with you.”
“Where do you think you might like to live?”
Her thoughts wandered back to Denver, to her apartment and her studio. “I have my photography business to run, and that’s an hour away from here,” she mused. “I could divide my time.” Something didn’t feel quite right about that.
Jonas nodded thoughtfully. “Or you could live here with me.” There was no pressure in his voice, no demand, only a simple statement of fact. “I’d like you and Scott to stay here, and I can promise you that if you did, I would never do anything to interfere with your business. I’d rent you any studio space you wanted, either here at the Lodge or in town. There are a couple of places I’ve seen that—” He laughed, stopping himself. “It’s entirely your choice. But I want you to know that the offer stands.”
“You want me to live with you?”
“Desperately,” he whispered. “I want to fall asleep with you in my arms every night and wake up next to you every morning. If you need to live in Denver, then I’ll find a way to make that work, but being apart—for me, that can only be temporary. I love you too much to be apart for long.”
“And I love you,” she said, sinking into the warmth of that truth. “I love you so much.” What did it matter if she worked in Denver or worked here? Her loyal clients would still work with her, and she could find new clients. Right here at the resort was an entire market at her disposal.
Most of all, there was Jonas. Jonas’s smile. Jonas’s laugh. Jonas’s body next to hers in bed. “I’ll live here with you. I want that, too. And a little storefront in town where I can set up my studio and keep all my photography gear, which you haven’t seen yet, but there’s a lot.”
He kissed her then, and she felt his happiness through that kiss. It encompassed her and sent a thrill through her all over again. “Oh,” she groaned. “When you kiss me like that, it makes me want you so much.”
“You have me,” Jonas said, climbing over her, pressing kisses to her skin. “For now, and always. Are you sure you’re not too tired?”
“Mmm.” She tilted her head to give him better access to her neck. “When you kiss me like that, I find myself waking up,” she admitted, running her hands over his shoulders, his chest, and his abs.
He nipped at the sensitive spot on her neck and then pressed a kiss there, and she shuddered in response. “If you’re tired, we could always wait until morning, assuming Scott isn’t awake yet.”
"Oh no you don’t, Jonas Elkin. You will make love to me this instant and none of this ‘wait until morning crap.’”
Jonas laughed and then kissed her breathless before leaning across her to grab a condom. Snatching it out of his hand, she ripped the foil and smoothed it on over his erection. Lifting her leg, he had her drape it over his hip. and he slowly entered her, each torturous inch stretching her until she felt full. Full of Jonas. Full of his love. Full of an immeasurable joy that would only grow.
“I love you, Rachel Alexander,” he murmured into her ear. “With all my heart.”
“I love you, too, Jonas, but if you don’t take control and start moving, I will.”
Chuckling, he kissed her and then flexed his hips, sliding in and out in long, glorious strokes that made them both moan in pleasure. There were definitely some things that Rachel was more than happy to have Jonas control. Then again, she couldn’t wait to see his response when she was in charge. She was sure they’d both love it.
“Ithought this would get easier,” Jonas told his brothers as they stood near the fireplace in their grandmother’s apartment. Rachel’s voice filtered over from the sofa. She and Scott, now three, were having an animated conversation about dogs, and Jonas thought his heart would give out at any moment. He patted the ring box in his pocket one more time. It was still there. “I don’t know if I can do this.”
“You can,” Gabe reassured him. “You’ve done everything right.”
“I know,” he said quickly. “I know. What if she says no?” he asked, no longer afraid to let his fear show. Jonas had wanted to propose to Rachel for the past year, ever since she’d come back to the Lodge for New Year’s Eve. But he’d waited, not wanting to pressure her.
“She’s going to say yes,” Chase chimed in. “I know it. Just ask her. It’ll be perfect. And just think, Gran could be here for the wedding.” Chase cleared his throat, suddenly seeming choked up. “We could all be there.”
“Okay.” Jonas took a deep breath. “Hang out with the others for a few minutes, would you?”
“Of course.” The two brothers wandered back into the living area, and Jonas went to where Rachel stood in a clutch with Tana and Anna. “Hi,” he said into her ear. “Could I steal you away for a minute?”