Page 72 of The Cowboy Hitch

Unable to take another moment of her impassive silence, I rush to her side, my legs shaking from the magnitude of this moment. It’s like I’m standing at the edge of a cliff with nowhere left to go.

Her face tilts up, her irresistible gaze drawing me further in.

I take the leap.

“I love you, Lacy,” I say, dropping to my knees in front of her.

Her mouth opens on a gasp, and I take her hand, lacing our fingers together over the swell of her belly.

“I love you, and I can’t walk away without letting you know how much.”

“Ridge.” Tears swim in her eyes, and her luscious lips pull downward as she subtly shakes her head.

But I’m not ready to concede defeat. Not when there’s important things left to say. Not if there’s any hope left at all. Andgod, I’m still holding so much hope.

“You need to understand, I never thought I could have this. My whole life’s been dictated from the time I was old enough to remember. Being a Kincaide might seem glamorous and carefree, but the expectations…”

I swallow hard, nearly choking on the words I need to say. Words I didn’t see coming until this minute. Feelings that, while always there under the surface, I’ve been too stubborn and maybe too afraid to admit.

But the only thing left to fear is losing the woman in front of me. “Well, I don’t give a fuck about those expectations anymore. Nothing is more important to me than this—than you and our child. And I’ll do whatever it takes. Whatever you want.”

Her teeth sink into her plump bottom lip, and my dick perks up in notice. The timing is all wrong, but my body has a mind of its own when it comes to her.

Still. the frown she’s wearing, and the fact that she won’t look me in the eye, has my insides churning. “Whatever it takes? Does that include trying to get me fired from my job?”

The shock from her words almost lands me on my ass, but I grasp her hand tighter, not allowing her to pull away. “You’ve known from day one I’m not the biggest fan of your job, but you made it clear, and I understand it’s important to you. So, I’m really not sure what you’re talking about.”

“Really?” Her eyes narrow on me but then suddenly flare wide. “Unless… Oh shit… Unless…”

“Lacy?” Travis is sitting forward in his seat again, this time wearing a look of concern.

Her eyes flit to her brother and back to me, her mouth hanging open in a sexy sort of way that makes me want to grab hold and kiss her.

“Lace?” I prompt.

“You didn’t ask your mother to talk to Oz, did you?”

Now it’s pure and simple rage that’s rolling the contents of my gut.

Mama. Fuck, I knew her feigned cooperation was too good to be true. I should have guessed she wouldn’t just roll over.

“I’m a bossy son of a bitch, and have made some bad choices, but I’ve never lied to you. I promise, I had nothing to do with it.”

A small smile tips her lips, yet her chin wobbles and new tears glisten in her eyes. “I should have known.”

Relief floods my system, and I surge forward to kiss her, but she puts a hand up to stop me.

“That doesn’t change anything between us,” she says, shaking her head again. “I can’t live like this—constantly worrying what your mother will do next to try and ruin our lives.”

“Me neither,” I admit. “Which is why I have a plan to deal with her.”

Finally, she leans toward me, and I see a glimmer of hope. “How?”

“When I said I was willing to do whatever it takes, I meant it.” I squeeze her hand. “I’m going to prove it to you, Lace. Trust me.”