Page 73 of The Cowboy Hitch

“Well, well… Look who’s all here.” Mama strolls into my office like there’s not a care in the world. This, despite the fact she wasn’t expecting anyone to be here but me.

Most of my siblings line the room, making it feel almost claustrophobic. As my gaze sweeps across them, my sense of conviction grows, and I smile at our preening mother.

“Ridge, Trey, Scarlett and Jett, Cole, Brooks. So nice to see you all.” She lists our names like she’s tallying up the odds. Or taking a mental note for future retribution.

Still, the haughty look of near boredom on her face would lead most to believe she’s above us all, fearless and unruffled.

But I know the truth. The fine lines around her tight lips and the way she needlessly fusses with her clothes and hair are dead giveaways. She’s at a disadvantage, and she knows it. She’s nervous. Scared even.

Good. It’s about damn time the tables were turned.

“If we’re having another family meeting, then we’re missing two.” Her smug expression doesn’t falter, but her eyes bounce wildly around the room, perhaps assessing who will be her ally in the battle she must sense is coming.

Or is this war we’re about to wage?

A few of my siblings shift uncomfortably, and most avoid meeting her gaze. Trey’s the exception, but his stoic expression gives nothing away. I hope like hell including him wasn’t a mistake.

If he’s still grappling with any misplaced sense of loyalty, he could bring this whole thing down. But what other choice do I have? I’ve got to trust that even though he’s helped Mama conceal a whole lot of shit in the past, he’ll keep his word. Hell, maybe he’ll do it because of that—all the dishonest subterfuge she’s asked of him.

Because despite his faithfulness to her—a woman who’s as cunning as she is despicable—I think he might be the most honorable one of us all.

“It’s not a family meeting.” I motion for her to take a seat, but my attention diverts to Lacy, looking a bit shell-shocked as she hovers in the doorway.

God, she’s more stunning every time I see her. Will I ever get over that feeling?

Fuck, if this meeting doesn’t go right, I might not have her in my life long enough to find out. And from the look on her face, we’re not off to a good start.

Still, she’s here. She doesn’t know the details of my plan or that I’ve corralled most of my siblings into it with me. I can only imagine what she’s thinking, walking into a room full of Kincaides, including Mama. But I asked her to trust me, and she hasn’t walked away yet.

“It’s okay,” I tell her. “I saved a seat for you.”

She seems to come to a decision and, with no further hesitation, comes to sit in the chair beside me.

“As I was saying,” I continue, redirecting my focus to Mama. “This is business.”

“Business?” She scoffs, turning her sights on Lacy before returning to me. “Then why the audience?”

I clench my jaw, barely suppressing the verbal lashing I’m tempted to deliver. She’d deserve it. That and a helluva lot more. But the subtle shake of Lacy’s head catches my attention, urging me to hold my tongue.

Her hands are folded as though cradling our child, her wild hair shines like a damn diamond, and the expression she wears is resolute. She’s a picture of pure beauty. Glowing fucking perfection. And no matter what Mama or anyone else has to say, if Lacy wants to be, she’s with me.

That’s all that matters.

Fueled by this knowledge, I relax onto the chair behind my desk and give Mama an easy smile. “There are no outsiders here. The operation of Canyon Spring Ranch, and the potential of its future success, affects us all. So, everyone’s going to be involved in this conversation—as much or as little as they choose.”

“What the hell are you going on about?” Despite the perpetual stick up her ass, she somehow stiffens even further, sitting at the edge of her chair.

“Pa’s will was clear,” I say, ignoring her question for now. “I’m in charge, with the stipulation of marriage–”

“And you’ve failed spectacularly in that regard,” she interrupts. “I went to the trouble of securing you a decent match. All you had to do was follow through. But no, you can’t even do that right.”

Her sneer is full of contempt, yet there’s a desperation to it. It’s only a hint, but it’s still clear how hard she’s grasping. “You treated poor Chastity like garbage, tossing her away on a whim.”

“Let’s not get carried away. Chastity was a prop you tried to force on me, only I was polite enough to cut her loose. She didn’t want me. Hell, I don’t think she even liked me. And I sure as shit wasn’t going to dishonor her or the woman I love.”

I gesture at Lacy, making it clear she’s the one I mean. The only one for me. “Especially not based onyourwhims, Mama.”

The air around her seems to vibrate with fury. Snarling like a rabid animal, she snaps, “You’ve been given one too many chances. Now it’s my call.”