I stop and turn her around, my hold on her never wavering.
“You’re on my wavelength too. I don’t know what it is, but you make me feel calm and safe,” she says.
Does she want me too?No, she is not that stupid.
I gaze at her, and she starts to fidget. “Did I just say that out loud? Ugh, all this opening up lately is not good for my bad-bitch reputation,” she says, trying to brush it off.
“You don’t have to pretend with me, Carolina. Say what you want to or don’t. I get it. Because you are right. I feel it too.”
After spending a couple of hours at the ice rink, we all head to the guys’ place, enjoying some of Sophia’s delicious cooking and trying the mulled wine Xander made for us. They even invited Chiara and Leo to join us.
It’s warm and tasty, and Sophia’s cookies are hands down the best Christmas cookies I’ve ever had.
After a while, Chiara and Leo decide to head to Leo’s place, and Xander offers to drive them. As they leave, Clay and Sophia make their way over to the couch.
“Would you like to watch a movie with me in my room? I think I’ve shared you enough for today,” Josh whispers in my ear as he comes up from behind, placing his hands on my upper arms.
I nod, and he takes my hand, leading me upstairs to his room, and I take a moment to look around. It’s bathed mostly in soft blues, his bed is practically the size of our entire room at home, and everything is so neat and new.
My stomach churns. I’ve never felt like what Barbara would call a ‘gutter rat.’ I work hard for everything I own and take pride in that. But standing here in Josh’s room, surrounded by all his nice things, I can’t help but feel a bit out of place.
He moves around me and gently lifts my chin with his finger. “Hey, what’s wrong? We can head downstairs and watch the movie in the living room if you’d prefer. I’m sure Clay and Sophia would join us. Though, I was hoping to get some alone time with you.” His tone is soft and reassuring, and he strokes my cheek.
I inhale deeply, pushing aside the unease. “No, I’d like it to be just us. Your room is cool.”
“Thanks.” He grins, planting a quick kiss on my lips.
Josh turns me around and pulls me back against his chest, his arms draping over my shoulders. He rests his chin on my head, and we both gaze at his bookshelf loaded with books and movies.
“What would you like to watch?” His whisper sends a shiver down my neck, making goose bumps pop up.
“I don’t know. I haven’t watched movies for a few years. You pick something good.”
“Looking for something funny, action-packed, or romantic?” He stands straighter, running his hands up and down my arms.
“Surprise me,” I tell him, and he releases me, spinning me around by my shoulder so my back faces the bookshelf and television.
“No peeking,” he says, his voice laced with amusement.
As he picks out a movie, I take the chance to look over the rest of his room. I spot medals and trophies on a shelf next to his bed. Getting closer, I see they’re all from swimming competitions.
“You swim?” I ask.
“I do, but I no longer compete. Now it’s just something I do to clear my head,” he says. He comes over and takes my hand, leading me to the bed and pulling me to sit next to him. “Is this okay?” he asks as I settle in, leaning against the headboard with his arm draped around my shoulders.
I nod, but my heartbeat picks up its pace in my chest.
As he starts the movie, I recognize the actors, but their names escape me. It’s odd how disconnected you can become when you don’t have time for simple things like watching a movie.
We sit and watch for a while, Josh’s fingers tracing patterns on my upper arm while I try to soothe my racing heart. My focus is entirely on his touch, not the film, when his other hand gently takes mine. It’s such a small gesture, but it makes me shiver. I tilt my head to look up at him, finding him already watching me, a faint smile playing on his lips.
“Enjoying the movie?” he asks. I nod, to which he chuckles softly, letting go of my hand to cradle the back of my head and leaning closer. “You haven’t watched a minute of it,” he murmurs, his voice a gentle hum. I swallow hard and shake my head. “Neither have I,” he admits before leaning in and kissing me.
His lips are incredibly soft, and the gentleness of his kiss sends my heart into a flutter, my stomach swarming with butterflies. As I part my lips, he deepens the kiss.