Page 123 of The Edge

“What, are you going to accuse me of sexually assaulting Alex now? Do I need an alibi? But I guess the statute of limitations has long passed.”

“Oh, so you looked that up?”

“Okay, get out. Now.”

Devine turned and left but before he shut the door he looked back at Guillaume, who was looking down at the body she had to embalm. To Devine, at the moment, it didn’t look like the woman even realized it was in front of her.

He saw Fred Bing at the front desk talking with the person there. He was dressed all in black except for his white shirt. His black tie was neatly done and his hair was slicked back.

“Funeral?” said Devine.

Bing looked over and smiled sadly. “Yes. She was in hospice. But she lived a good long life. She doesn’t have much family left in the area, so it will be a small affair, but we will do her proud.”

“I heard about your handling of Wilbur Kingman’s funeral.”

“That was so sad. Wilbur was a fine man. He and my father used to go deep-sea fishing together before my dad retired to Florida. Pat really had no money at the time for an elaborate funeral, but we made the decision to cover the costs. It was the right thing to do.”


“My sister and I. And my father called from Florida and voiced the same opinion. He actually came up for the service.” Bing looked chagrined. “Only time he’s ever been back. I guess visiting his own children isn’t a high priority.” He glanced in embarrassment at the woman at the front desk and motioned Devine over to a corner of the hall for privacy.

“What brings you here?” he asked in a hushed tone.

“I had some questions for your sister.”

“Was she helpful?” asked Bing.

“More than she probably knows. I have a question for you.”


“Benjamin Bing? What can you tell me about him?”

“Ah, the lawman of the family,” he said with a grin. “Uncle Ben liked guns, liked to tell people what to do, and liked to wield power over others. He rose quickly to chief and stayed there until his retirement.”

“Which I understand he’s doing in Florida?”


“Is he still alive?” asked Devine.

Bing blinked. “Um, yes. Well, as far as I know. I mean no one has told me otherwise.”

“Would they necessarily?”

“The fact is our family is not particularly close.”

“Could you make a call to your father and confirm one way or another?”

“Well, certainly, if it will help. I can’t guarantee when I might hear back. The last time I called my dad it was around a month before hetextedback.”

“Whatever you can do, I would appreciate it.”

“Of course,” said Bing.

“Now, I understand that your uncle Ben has quite a nice house in Naples. And he only had the policeman’s salary I’m assuming. Your grandfather’s trust didn’t extend to him?”

Bing looked uncertain. “I suppose not. I guess I’ve never really thought about that.”