Page 124 of The Edge

“So I was just wondering how he could afford a Naples beach house.”

“Yes, I suppose you are. I could ask my father.”

“The simplest answer would be that his two brothers gave him money to buy it.”

Bing shook his head. “My father and Uncle John are many things, Agent Devine. But generous is not one of them. And, frankly, I don’t think the two of them really like Uncle Ben. He made it clear that he thought what they did for a living was at best a joke and at worst revolting, and that he had taken a far higher road in life. He would even ticket them for illegally parking during funeral services.”

“So, he was kind of an...asshole?”

Bing laughed. “More than kind of.” His expression turned serious. “Why are you asking about all of this? I mean, if you can tell me.”

“Not right now, I can’t. So if they didn’t get along, why did he move down there with them?”

“Another good question to which I don’t have a good answer. Maybe they reconciled.”

“Okay, did your uncle Ben know the Silkwells?”

“Oh, sure. He and Senator Silkwell were good friends. Uncle Ben locked up the police vote for him. He was very involved in police union politics in Maine.”

“Did your uncle know the children well?”

“I believe Dak interviewed for a job with the police here when he got out of the military. It didn’t work out. I don’t think Dak likes to take orders,” he added with a grin.

“And the sisters?” asked Devine.

“I know he wrote a recommendation letter for Jenny when she was applying to college. And then I think he did another one when she wanted to work for the federal government.”

“And Alex?”

Now Bing looked uncomfortable. “Again, any particular reason you’re asking all this?”

“There is a reason. I just can’t share it right now.”

Bing blew air out of his mouth and rubbed at his neat hair, mussing it a bit. “Well, I’m sure they knew each other.”

“That’s it? No personal contact like he had with her siblings?”

Bing looked even more conflicted. But he finally said, “No, none that I can think of.”

Devine stared at him for so long that the other man finally dropped his gaze to his highly polished shoes.

“Let me know when you hear back from your father.”

“Yes, yes, absolutely,” said Bing hastily.

Devine left the man there.

A numb-looking Fred Bing turned and slowly walked back down the hall.



DEVINE DROVE TO JOCELYN POINT.When Alex answered his knock he said, “You have time to help me with something?”

“Sure, what?”

“I’ll show you. It’s right down the road.”