“Perfect. I want her then.” He points at me. “For the foreseeable future.”



I needto call my sister and get her out here ASAP. She’s an event coordinator back home and I'm sure she can put together a wedding quickly. Because if I don’t get a ring on that stunning woman hiding in her office and her hot curvy body under mine by the end of the day, I just might lose my mind.

When I was hired at C. R. Veterinary Clinic, I figured I’d be here for two maybe three years tops before moving on to greener pastures. Not that there’s anything wrong with a small town. I grew up in one myself, but owning a practice is something I’ve dreamed of since I was twelve. But if I have to give up that dream for the woman currently staring at me like I have three heads, then so be it.

Dr. Jones, the sole veterinarian here, isn’t looking for a replacement or even a partner. She only took me on so that I could gain experience since most of mine has been in the city. I studied to work with large animals and wildlife and you don’t find much of those out there. Hopefully, I can convince her to let me stay on permanently because I am not going anywhere now.

“Umm, Mr…” The woman helping me at the desk tries to get my attention but pauses at my name. That’s right, I didn’t even give it to her before we entered into a battle of innuendos.

I glance over at her and smile, a less charming one than before. I don’t want my angel to get the wrong thought. My one-night stands and short-term relationship days are over for good. Besides, while sexy with a body made for sin Georgie here, if her name tag is correct, is also a virgin— and a tease. I could tell by the way her eyes never fully matched her words. She likes to play is all, so I gave her a worthy opponent.

“Jacobs. CJ Jacobs,” I say, then look back at my angel, who is no longer stunned by my early statement. Instead, she’s frowning and her brown eyes look sad and I can’t have that. “And I meant what I said. I want her.”

I point again but this time with my eyes, and I’m knocked with the same onslaught of emotions as the first time I laid eyes on her.

I almost missed her, focused solely on getting checked in so I could get some sleep. My flight from Florida was late so I spent hours in the airport scrolling through my phone until it died. Being that bored can tire a person out. Plus, I’m hungry and that’s never a good combination.

When I walked into Coldwater Resort I wasn’t on my game. I did, however, notice how done up the lobby is, full of decorations exclaiming that the holidays are here. Two enormous Christmas trees are flanking the large lit fireplace, each decorated in a different color, one silver and one gold. Clear twinkling lights mixed with silver, gold, and green dangled from the shelves lining the walls and the edge of the front counter. It was right on the edge of being overdone but they somehow managed to pull it off.

Once I arrived at the desk, Georgie batted her pretty eyes at me and my natural instinct to play along kicked in. That is, until I spotted her from the corner of my eye.

The moment I did my heart slowed then sped up and threatened to fly out of my chest. And that’s how I knew.

My heart never enters into these matters. I see a woman, my cock twitches then it’s off to bed we go. I’ve had my share, all of which knew it wasn’t meant to last. Lust never does. But this woman… this woman managed to wake up my hibernating heart with one look.

Good Lord she’s stunning, was my first thought followed by she’s mine not two beats later. I was struck by her glowing light brown skin and dark eyes that sparkled even in the harsh fluorescent lights. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun that I ached to loosen and spread out on my pillow.

The longer I stared the harder her generous chest heaved, causing my dick to press against the zipper of my jeans. Poor thing was upset. He wanted to come out and play with his new owner.

It’s a wonder poor shocked Georgie didn’t kick me out when I demanded she hand my woman over like she was her guardian.

But I meant what I said, and I want… no, need my angel out here, closer to me.

“Well, are you coming out or not?” I ask her directly, and then come up with a much better plan. “You know what? It’s probably best that you stay there and I come to you. Wouldn’t want your employees to see you fall apart in my arms.”

I step towards the swinging door in the middle of the huge counter intent on making good on my words. That gets her moving. She rushes out of the office and comes to a stop at the computer in front of me, pushing Georgie out of the way.

The two at the computer on the other end of the desk laugh. I’d forgotten about them. Truthfully, I was afraid to even glance their way. The big guy who, judging by his uniform, is a park ranger, growled at me when I walked in and pressed his body closer to the cute shapely African American woman beside him. “Message received,” I thought. “That one is yours.”

He doesn’t have to worry now. In fact, the entire female population is safe. CJ Jacobs is officially off the market.

“How can I help you, sir? Is there an issue with your accommodations?” Her voice is sweet just like I knew it would be. There’s a hardness to it too, letting me know she’s not the kind to put up with bullshit. God help me, I love an assertive woman.

I sweep my eyes down her body before answering. Whoever chooses these uniforms is a freaking genius. The navy pants and white blouse perfectly showcase her rounded belly, wide hips, thick thighs, and ample breasts. Gorgeous. Just like I knew she would be. I like a woman I can hold on to and her body is built for exactly that. The name tag on her matching navy vest says Velma. I like it. It suits her classic looks.

“Well, angel. I haven’t checked in yet so I can’t say if I have any issues or not.”

She fidgets, embarrassed that she made such an obvious mistake. “Right, well I can assure you, sir, that you won’t. Coldwater Cabin Resorts is the premier mountain resort in Georgia. It boasts…”

Nervous, she launches into a spiel made to sell people vacationing here, not for those that already have reservations. She goes on about their set-up. They only have a limited number of cabins available to prevent the area from getting too congested. They’re all located off of one mountain trail that rides along Granny Smith Creek.

“Wait,” I interrupt. “Granny Smith Creek?”

“Yes, but we call it Granny for short. Coldwater is an orchard town.” I love how haughty her tone is, like I should’ve known that fact already. I smile as she continues. “Apples are how we got our start. We also breed some horses.”