The horse part I knew. It was one of the main reasons why I wanted to work here but the apple bit is new.

“Well, I suppose you learn something every day don’t you, Ambrosia?”

Velma’s face twists in confusion as her eyes dart to the trio now obviously listening in.

“I think he’s calling you sweet, Velma. In a very Coldwater way,” the big guy says, attempting but failing to keep his laughter inside.

“He is not, Bear,” she scolds him, and then focuses back on me. “Are you?” Her voice is so small and full of hope it kills me. Hasn’t anyone told her how perfect she is? Their loss is my gain is all I can think.

“I am.”

“Oh. Well, thank you, sir. I think you’re…” she nibbles her plump bottom lip, unsure of what to say next. “Sweet as well.” She cringes then shakes off her blunder and slips back on her professional mask. “Now that you know all we have to offer, would you like to book a cabin?” Poor thing. I should just fuck her right here and end her misery. Obviously, she’s too keyed up to think straight.

Georgie snickers at her flustered state and I shoot her a hard look. I don’t want anyone making my angel feel bad.

“Velma baby, I already have a cabin,” I softly say. “I’ll be staying for a week.” The position came with accommodations right above the veterinary office. But there was a leak and some flooring had to be replaced, so I needed to find someplace to go until then. I’m not upset though, not now. If I had moved right in there, who knows how long it would’ve taken for me to meet Velma.

“Right… right. Sorry,” she mumbles, then asks for my credit card.

A few minutes later I’m all checked in, keycard in hand.

“Umm… would you like to join our rewards program? You know, for your next visit?” Velma stammered through her question clueing me in on the fact there is no such thing as a rewards program. I could tell her that I’ll be moving here permanently and there’s no need but I want to see what her angle is.

“Do we have a rewards program?” A small voice asks. It wasn’t Georgie because there was nothing small about her voice. Must have been the other one whose name I haven’t learned.

“No Tacie, we don’t. Velma has lost her damn mind,” Georgie loudly says, confirming my suspicions.

“We do too!” Velma snaps at Georgie. “I started it today. As Relations Manager, I have the authority to start any initiative I want.”

Okay, so we’re riding this lie out. Can’t wait to see where it’s going.

“I’ll bite. What do you need from me and what are the perks?”

Velma stares at me for a moment and I can see the conflict going on in her head. She knows what she’s after but she’s not sure if she should be doing it.

The group has gotten closer, as curious as I am as to what her master plan is.

“I only need your date of birth. So we can send you a free… stay.” Another cringe. I don’t think she’s authorized to give away free stays. Not for imaginary reward programs.

“Date of birth, huh?” I grin. Now I know what she’s up to. She wants to know how old I am. If I told her she’d probably freak out.

Velma looks to be in her mid-thirties, which puts her around ten years older than me. While it might not bother me it could spell the end for us. But I’m no quitter, and our age difference is bound to come out sometime.

“Nineteen ninety-seven,” I answer, giving her the only part she cares about.

Sure enough, a fleeting look of disappointment crosses her eyes and she nods her head muttering, “Too young.”

Hell no. I’m not letting her push me away. Count us out before we start. I march through the swinging doors and grab her by the waist. By instinct, her hands fly to my shoulders, brown eyes wide with shock, and her mouth in the cutest O shape.

I slant my mouth over hers and… fuck me, my angel tastes like sin. The type you’d commit without a second thought then do it again just because. She’s sweet and spicy all rolled up in one delicious package.

I slip my tongue inside and run it along the roof of her mouth, causing her to tremble and moan. Then she attacks me, roughly sliding her hands up my neck, gripping my hair to pull me closer. I drop mine to her round ass, squeezing and testing its fullness and I’m rewarded with another moan.

Velma’s leg slowly creeps up, headed for my waist and I grip her tighter to help keep her balanced. Perfectly lined up now, I give her a shallow thrust, just enough to let her know what she does to me— age difference or no age difference.

“That’s a mauling, Tacie. Something everybody needs at least once in their life.”

It was like cold water poured on Velma’s head when Georgie spoke. She jumps back, pushing me away then running to her office and slamming the door, only to immediately open it back up. Hands on her hips and her face set in stone, Velma rigidly stands in the doorway, suddenly remembering she was the manager and needed to get this situation under control.