Page 28 of The Stand-In

“I’m just relaxed, to be honest. I never let myself relax in this office. It feels kind of nice.”

“It’s sexy as fuck.”

“We probably shouldn’t have sex in my office in the middle of the day.”

I lick my lips. Yeah, I want her, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.

“The first time I have you won’t be here, in the middle of the day. It’ll be somewhere soft and comfortable, where I can take my time, with the security of knowing that we won’t be interrupted for a very long time. I want you, London, but I’m a patient man.”

She blinks rapidly and lets out a gusty laugh.

“Well, damn, now I wish we were doing it here in the middle of the day.”

“You’re late,”Maddie accuses me as I walk through the front door of the house we grew up in. She’s sitting with Dylan, her husband, on stools at the kitchen island. Mom’s stirring something in a pot at the stove and beams at me as I walk over and kiss her cheek.

“I’m not too late for food,” I reply and lean over to sniff the pot. “Is that taco soup?”


“It’s my favorite, and it’s not even my birthday.”

Mom chuckles and stirs the soup again. “I wanted to try something new, but your father told me that he’d like for his kids to want to come back again, so I stuck with the tried and true.”

“Where is Dad?”

“He’s out back with Josie and Brax,” Maddie says and pops a chip loaded down with salsa into her mouth.

“What are they doing?”

“No idea,” Maddie replies before carefully selecting another chip. “Go get them. I’m starving. I’malwaysstarving these days.”

I head for the back door and find Dad with Josie and Brax on the back deck, drinks in hand, talking.

“It’s a little cold to be hanging out on the deck,” I inform them as I join them. “Shouldn’t you be doing this inside?”

“It’s not raining,” Dad points out and looks up at the sky.

“You have a point.” I sit across from them and accept a drink from my dad. “Maddie says we should go in because she’s hungry.”

“I’m hungry, too,” Josie says with a sigh. She looks nervous, but before I can ask her why, she hops up. “Okay, let’s go in.”

She takes her husband’s hand and pulls him to his feet, and they go in through the sliding glass door.

But Dad and I stay where we are.

“Tell me about London,” is all he says, but his eyes are watchful.

“You already know who she is.”

“I don’t think that means much,” he replies. “Tell me about who she is toyou.”

“Right now, she’s someone I’d like to get to know better. I haven’t slept with her, and I really don’t know her that well, but I like her. I respect her. So, we’ll see where it goes.”

He nods and starts to stand. “Good enough.”

“She’s a mom.”

That has his eyes narrowing on me as he lets his butt fall back into the seat.