“Okay, I’m not saying no, but I am going to warn you that my life is complicated, and I have a kid. I’m amom, Drew. That comes first, always.”
“I get that and respect it. What are the other complications?”
“I don’t want to disrespect you in any way, but my dad won’t like it.”
Now he laughs and drags his hand down his face. “I think that’s a first for me, but would it offendyouif I say I just don’t give a flying fuck if your dad likes it or not?”
“No, it doesn’t offend me.”
“Does it bother you if your dad doesn’t approve?”
“No, I just know that he might try to make waves. He thinks I should be with, and marry, a man with a certain status. Oh, God, not that I’m suggesting we’ll get married or anything, I’m just saying. I mean, of course, we’re not getting married. You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you. I don’t plan on getting marriedtoday, but who knows what might happen? And lastly, what will your dad do if you don’t end up with someone he approves of?”
“He could cut me off.” I tap my chin, thinking it over. “I don’t think he would, but he could. And that doesn’t scare me much because I have businesses of my own, not to mention plenty of investments and wealth that don’t depend on him in the least, but I’d worry about Caleb. Although, it could be good for us to continue to pretend to date so that he doesn’t try to hook me up with another of his smarmy, rich friends.”
“Is that what you want? For it to be fake? I just told you that I want to see more of you, and I didn’t say anything about pretending.”
That makes my stomach flutter. “Why? Why do you want to see me?”
“Because you make me fucking crazy, but then you turn around and make me laugh. I’ve seen you in three different looks in the past twenty-four hours, and I can’t decide which is the hottest. You look amazing in those professional suits you wear to work, but then last night, you were the sexiest woman in the room in that dress that just screamed to be ripped off and tossed onto the floor next to the bed.”
I swallow hard, but he’s not even close to finished.
“Now, this morning, here you are in jeans, sneakers, and a hoodie. Your hair is undone, with no makeup on, and I’ll be damned if this isn’t the look I love the most. And you didn’t eventry.”
“I didn’t even think about trying.” I’m glowing. That’s the only way to describe the sensation of hearing Drew tell me how attracted he is to me. “But those are just looks, Drew.”
“You’re smart and kind. You love your kid, and you run the team well. You’re respected. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a good place to start. I want to know more about you.”
“Can we talk about the team jerseys?”
“That’s where I draw the line.”
I can’t help but laugh at that. “I’ve really annoyed you with those, haven’t I?”
“I almost spiked your coffee with poison.”
That makes me snort. “This could make waves at work, you know. Rumors, looks, blatant talk.”
“I won’t be a secret.” He tips my chin back so I’m looking at him. “I didn’t sign anything in my contract that says I can’t date someone at work. Plus, you’re the fuckingowner.You can do what you want.”
“Well, there’s that.”
“If you’re not attracted to me—”
That makes me laugh again, and I shake my head. “I wanted to climb you like a damn tree last night. If my ten-year-old hadn’t been in the house, I might have.”
“So, we’re on the same page, then.”
“Yeah, Drew, we’re on the same page.”
He nods, and we’re quiet for a moment as Caleb dribbles the ball down the field and kicks it into the goal.
“That’s my boy!” I yell as I jump up and clap. “Good job, Caleb!”
Caleb’s grin is huge as he smiles my way. And when he sees Drew sitting next to me, that smile spreads with joy.