I’m freaking exhausted. It’s been three hours of smiling and pretending. Talking and remembering small, insignificant tidbits about acquaintances so they feel special.
The hardest part, though, is keeping a smile on my face, even when my father is acting like a complete ass. He’s embarrassing.
Always has been.
He’s so arrogant and thinks he’s the most beloved, most important person in the room. And usually, he is. He’s charming, and people like him.
But more than that, he’s rich. Beyond rich. And because of that incredible, unreal wealth, people gravitate his way.
It’s the only reason that Felix has affixed himself to my father’s side. He thinks that he can milk my father for a whole bunch of money. It’s the only reason he tried to talk me into a relationship with him. He doesn’t wantme; he wants my family’s money, influence, and contacts.
He’s a user.
And either my dad doesn’t see that, or he doesn’t really care. But the fact that he’s so sure that I should be with Felix, and won’t let go of that ridiculous notion, frustrates the hell out of me.
“You hanging in there?” Drew asks, whispering in my ear.
“I’m okay,” I reply honestly and smile over at him. “You’ve gone above and beyond this evening.”
“I don’t know if you realize this, but being near you isn’t exactly a hardship, London.”
That makes me flush with satisfaction. When was the last time someone told me that they enjoyed being around me forme? Not because of what I can do for them, or because of what I own or who I know, but because they enjoy my company?
I don’t remember.
And isn’t that just pitiful?
“Still, thanks a lot, Drew.”
He winks at me, and that makes my stomach jump. How is it possible for a man to be so handsome? His parents must be gods because Drew ishot.
I’ve thought so since the day he started working for the team. Of course, I’ve been nothing but professional, but a girl can look.
And I’velooked.
“Let’s dance, shall we?”
My heart sinks when I look up and see that Felix has walked around the table to me.
I glance over and see my father watching me with narrowed eyes and decide that I’ll appease him with one very public dance.
“Fine.” I stand from my seat and turn to Drew. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be right here, babe.”
Felix leads me to the dance floor and pulls me into his arms. He’s stiff and uncoordinated.
And I absolutelyhatethe way he smells.
After I found him fucking some chick in my bed, I replaced the entire bed, the linens,everythingbecause that smell seemed to linger behind.
It makes me gag.
“I know you’re not really dating that coach,” he says calmly.