But I don’t answer. I simply watch him with cool eyes, knowing exactly how to school my features so that it seems like I’m not bothered in the least.
I perfected this move at six years old.
“Honey, I’m sorry for everything that went down before. You know that I wouldneverintentionally hurt you inanyway.”
“Right, so are you saying that you accidentally put your cock in that woman inmy bedroom? Did you slip and fall?”
“Don’t be snide.”
“I don’t know why you’re here. I made it clear, more than once, that I want nothing at all to do with you ever again.”
“Well, your father thinks I’m good for you.”
“My father has never known what’s good for me,” I counter sharply.
“You’re being unreasonable.” His voice is soft again, but there’s an edge there, almost as if he’s desperate. “Don’t be overly emotional about this, babe.”
“Honey, sweetheart, babe. None of those things applies to me where you’re concerned.”
“You and I both know that you haven’t fallen out of love with me.”
“I don’t think I was everinlove with you. And I definitely know that I’m not now. What I want is for you to leave my office.”
“I have your father on my side, London.”
“Good for you. Go try to charm him because it’s not working on me.”
There’s a knock on the door, surprising both of us, and I’m startled, and not a little embarrassed, to see Drew standing there, holding my Starbucks.
“Delivery for you,” Drew says, his eyes intense on mine, although he has a cocky grin on his lips. “Is everything okay in here, babe?”
I blink, and then suddenly realize what Drew’s doing.
“You didn’t have to bring me coffee.”
Drew walks around Felix to me, passes me the coffee, and wraps his arm around my waist.
“You had a rough morning,” he says and kisses my temple, then turns to Felix. “Oh, hello. I’m Drew. Who are you?”
Felix is practically vibrating with fury, and it fills me with delighted glee.
“This is Felix,” I reply before the angry man can manage to sputter out a word. “He’s a former acquaintance. I’m still not sure why he dropped in today.”
Drew and I wait expectantly, but Felix narrows his eyes menacingly at Drew.
“I wouldn’t try it,” Drew says tightly. “You won’t win.”
His stance, his tight jaw, and every taut muscle in Drew’s body radiates alpha energy, and I’msohere for it.
“I came to ask London if I can escort her to the fundraiser dinner tonight.” Felix’s voice is strained. If I’m not mistaken, I’d say he’s afraid of Drew, which fills me with even more glee.
“She already has a date,” Drew replies. “Sounds like you came all this way for nothing.”
Felix looks at me, and I simply nod, and then he turns on his heel and marches out of my office, slamming the door shut behind him.
Drew doesn’t immediately pull away from me, and I don’t mind.