Is a future with him something I want? I haven’t even officially ended my marriage. Surely, I’m not considering jumping into another serious relationship. It would be different with him, though. I know it. Miller shows me all the time how much he cherishes me and takes care of me in ways Phil never did. He does all those little things that add up to something huge and we aren’t even officially a couple. How much would that increase if we were?

Those thoughts have no place in my mind today. Today is about marrying Carina off to the man of her dreams.

“Enough about me,” I say. “We’ve got forty-five minutes before pictures. Then we can get you hitched to that hunk of man meat who has permanent heart eyes for you. Let’s do this, ladies!”

* * *

As the other bridesmaids turn the corner to walk down the aisle, I peek behind me to see Carina. She isn’t the slightest bit nervous. She is excited, a little teary, and in love.

“I know the answer, but I’d be a terrible MoH if I didn’t at least ask: need me to sneak you out the back?” I whisper to her.

“I think I’m okay,” she laughs.

“Yeah, you are. You got a good one. I am beyond happy for you, Care Bear. No one deserves this more than you.”

“That isn’t true. We all deserve this. It just takes some of us longer to get there than others. If Mom marrying Steve taught me anything, it is that love can be waiting around the corner when you least expect it. I certainly wasn’t expecting Robby to come back into my life, but I’m thankful he did.”

“Me, too. That’s my cue,” I say when I hear the music change. With a quick squeeze of her hand, I make my entrance.

I survey this gorgeous vineyard. The setting is absolutely incredible, but what stops me in my tracks is the groom. I’ve been to a lot of weddings, Aunt Teresa, friends from college, coworkers, distant relatives, and even my own. I have never seen a man with the expression on his face that Robby has. He appears inconsolably happy to be here; to be marrying the love of his life. He can’t even see her yet and his eyes are full of moisture.

I give him a soft smile and shift my gaze over the crowd to everyone here to celebrate them. My perusal stops on Brady. He is damn handsome in his tux. It should be criminal. I blush when he smirks, catching me checking him out as always. The last time I walked down an aisle, Phil was waiting at the end. Ironically, the man who helped me heal from the neglect of my marriage is at the end this time, even if it’s not to meet me.

When I get into position, the guests all stand and I watch on as Aunt Teresa walks Carina down the aisle. Tears are already falling down her face and Robby is no different. My heart clutches at how overjoyed these two people are to be joined together. As the ceremony continues, I listen to the vows they wrote each other and find myself silently crying. Carina vows to cheer Robby on no matter his endeavor and he vows to always put her first and never let her forget that she is the center of his universe.

We all cheer loudly when Robby dips Carina into a questionably appropriate kiss before they head off for a few minutes alone. Brady is paired with Tiffany and he sends me a wink over his shoulder as he leads her up the aisle. I slip my arm into Sean’s, who compliments my dress as we exit together.

“You’re not too shabby yourself,” I remark. “Who knew the beach bum could pull off a tie.”

“Hey, now,” he objects. “I’ll have you know I am equally comfortable wearing this tux as I am a wetsuit. How can I not be when I have all the ladies eyeing me? I am the most eligible groomsman after all.”

“Is that so?”

“It most certainly is. I know you already have a date to this shindig, but if you see any interested parties, send them my way.”

“Date?” I question. “I didn’t come with a date.”

“Oh, my mistake,” he falters. “I thought you and Miller were together.”

“We are. I mean, we’re seeing each other. We never talked about what that meant for this wedding since we were both coming already. I guess he’s my date.”

“You guess?” Letting out a low whistle, he continues, “I would’ve thought big bad Papa Bear would have locked that down by now, not leave you second guessing what you two are.”

“I’m not.” Am I? I know he didn’t bring a date and that he wouldn’t because we are seeing each other,exclusively. Our friends know that. Mine do at least… Robby does, too. I’m sure we both assumed we’d see each other here and since we couldn’t come together, there was no need to discuss it in detail.

“Have you two defined your relationship?”

“Not in so many words, but we know what we are to each other. It’s complicated, but not Facebook ‘It’s Complicated.’ More like we’re both in interesting places in our lives and we haven’t felt the need to label anything.”

He shoots me a teasing grin, “Sounds like you’ve got it all figured out then.”

“Don’t you have someone to hit on? Haley is single,” I sass.

“Is she now? I can tell when I’m not wanted. Time to go find someone else to dance the night away, since the glare yourcomplicatedbeau is giving me tells me it won’t be you. Later, Lola.”

Confused, I peer up and see Brady beelining my way. It appears my question about whether we’re here together is about to be answered.
