“You’ll get yours, too,” she muses. “I am proud of youmia fatina.”
“For what?”
“For knowing your worth. For realizing that protecting your heart is more important than appearances. For leaving thatstronzoand starting over. You are brave, my little fairy.”
“You did the samezia. You stayed in Memphis and raised Carina all by yourself when you could have run home to hide. Hell, you half-raised me, too.”
“Perhaps, but I didn’t have many other choices. You did. You could have believed his lies and turned a blind eye to remain in your comfortable life. Instead, you wanted more for yourself. Everything I did, I did for her,” she says, glancing back to Carina. “I don’t know if I could have done it for myself.”
Wiping a tear, she quickly changes the subject. “No more sappy talk. My daughter is getting married and I can’t have a raccoon face.” I laugh and hug her before she runs out of the room to make last-minute preparations.
The conversation pulls my own wedding back into my memories. I was nervous while getting ready. We had a small ceremony made up of mostly his family since my dad, Carina, and Teresa were really all I had. Even though it was simple, I still had a pit in my stomach.
I remember how happy I was when we said our vows. How amazing it felt to have another person pledge themselves to me for the rest of our lives. To promise to love me no matter what, to honor, to cherish, and to always be true.
I wonder what that twenty-two-year-old girl would do if she knew then what I know now. What she would think about how Phil changed, how he betrayed us and broke all those vows. Would she still go through with it?
“Sweet Bunny, it’s your turn to experience my magic brushes,” Tiffany singsongs from her station, jarring me from my thoughts. When I make my way over to her, Carina has moved to the next chair where her hair is being curled into soft waves.
“You’re a vision, Care Bear,” I tell her.
“Thank you. I can’t believe it’s my wedding day. It feels like it all happened fast, but also was a long time coming.”
“I’d say that is an accurate assessment.”
“Speaking of things that come for a long time,” Tiffany interrupts, “what’s up with you and the big guy?”
“Tiffany!” I chide. She shrugs.
“I don’t know what you are referring to,” I say.
“Oh, please. I may have an active social life, but that doesn’t mean I don’t realize you rarely sleep in our apartment anymore, missy.”
“Lola!” Carina gasps. “Have you been holding out on me? I saw you getting cozy at the bar last weekend, but I didn’t know you were sleepover-serious.”
“We’re having fun and getting to know each other,” I admit. “It’s been nice. Brady is different from anyone I’ve ever been with.”
“He’s Brady now, is he?” Tiffany teases, causing Carina to giggle. “And of course, he’s different from Pencil Prick Phil,” she continues. “Miller is a man. Phil is an immature child, always trying to get the most out of every situation. Whereas Miller is always searching to see where he can give. And from the glow you’ve had lately, I’d guess he’s quite good at giving.”
“Oh my God, Tiff!” Carina admonishes.
“I call them like I see them, Meatball.”
“Ignore her crassness,” my cousin admonishes. “But since she brought it up, are things getting serious between you two? Are y’all a couple now?”
“We haven’t put a label on it,” I confess.
“Really? Miller isn’t big on commitment? I didn’t see that coming. Everything about him screams caveman. I was a little afraid he was gonna pee on you and hump your leg the other night,” Carina states.
“Me, too,” I reply. “But no. The lack of label is all me. He said he doesn’t need one as long as I know I’m his, whatever that means. He’s been pretty understanding that I am in the middle of a divorce and hadn’t intended to jump into something this soon. We’re taking it one day at a time.”
“Screw that,” Tiffany interjects. “That man is picking out china patterns and baby names. I can see it in his eyes. He’s ready to commit. Hard. I bet you could convince him to make this a double wedding if you batted these pretty lashes at him.”
“You’re crazy,” I dismiss.
“I don’t know,” Carina remarks. “I think she might be right. Not about the double wedding. From what I’ve heard from Robby, Miller doesn’t do anything halfway. If he’s pursuing a relationship with you, he’s doing it with an end goal in mind.”
Could that be true? He’s said he is willing to take this at my pace, but he’s also been clear that he wants me to behis. Does that mean more than I think it does? I assumed he wanted to be exclusive, but when I think about it, he’s been upfront about his intentions since day one.