Page 113 of Don't Hate Me

“I wasn’t going to until I was far enough away that you couldn’t threaten to kill me,” I said, letting an easy smile cross my face. In the past this type of banter would be easy, btu each word that left my mouse caused a dull pain to spread through my chest.

This may very well be the last time I see him.

When he let out an annoyed huff and a light crossed his eyes, I was painfully reminded of what we had been like before I started taking jobs of my own.

It had been hard growing up under the assassin, but he was all I had… and I liked to believe sometimes I was all he had as well.

“I’ve been working nonstop,” I said, adding an annoyed huff. “Come on, you know I deserve a break after this.”

He clicked his tongue against his teeth and looked around the room.Assessing.What was he seeing? It panicked me not to be able to read him.

“Is there something else you’re not telling me, Quinn?” The use of my name almost caused me to spill everything right then and there.

I killed Blake’s husband.

I am infatuated with the small agent much more than I ever thought I would be.

I will run away after this, and you willneversee me again.

“She’s an abuse survivor,” I said, dropping my voice. “She is usually out of my scope. I was wondering why…”

I let my voice trail off.

“You’re having second thoughts.”

Warning bells rang so loudly that my ears hurt.

“No,” I said far too quickly. “Well… a bit. I just want to know why. I don’t get it. I know she was married, and he hurt her, but this is not the usual clientele.”

He looked down at the floor, his tongue swiping across his teeth.

“The things she has on the USB will destroy someone that is very much a part of your scope,” he said. “So instead of taking them out this time—”

“I’m protecting them,” I finished for him.

He met my gaze before nodding.

“I’ll get it done,” I said with a conviction that fooled even myself. “I didn’t mean for you to think otherwise.”

He gave me another hard look before letting out a sigh that seemed to deflate the tension that had risen in his shoulders and chest.

“Good,” he said, motioning for me to follow him. “Because it’s not just your ass on the line for this one.”

I raised a brow at him.

“Not just mine?” I asked with a light laugh. “Who else? Not you, surely?”

“Me, you, and every other agent I’ve been on the hook for,” he said. “Over a quarter of the guild’s best. All decommissioned if you can’t finish this.”

His admission caused me to pause.

A quarter? Him too?

I was expecting my decommission, sure… but his as well? How could they?

“All for a fucking secret service agent?” I asked.

He sent me a look from over his shoulder.