Page 114 of Don't Hate Me

“Just a secret service agent?” he echoed. “You know the information she has makes her so much more than that.”

I didn’t get it. I didn’t understand how a single person could ever control the guild like that.

“How much power do they have?” I breathed.

He shrugged.

“Power, money, connections, favors,” he said with a sigh. “I couldn’t tell you.”

But they would be—Rolf would be—

“Taking it more seriously now, huh?” he asked with a chuckle. “Good. I’m too young to die. Come on, let’s go get the bastard to compensate for your losses, and maybe then you’ll find your motivation to end this thing.”

I followed behind him, a numb feeling rising in my chest.

I didn’t want him to die, nor did I want to be the one responsible for all those agents’ deaths. Who in their right mind would even think of that, let alone make it work?

I’m a monster, that much is undeniable, because even as I thought through all the memories Rolf and I had together growing up… I couldn’t go back on my promise to Blake.

One day I would prove to him that I could kill the people I cared about…I just didn’t know his time would come so soon.


Maybe the darkness had always been inside me, just waiting for someone like Quinn to come in and let it out.

How else would I have been so comfortable killing Russell? How else could I have been so excited when Quinn invited me to her lair?

I had nothing else to call it.

For normal people, houses were a place that started as a shell, but they slowly built into something that was an extension of themselves and their interests. They filled it with furniture they liked, pictures of the people they loved, food that brought them comfort.

But Quinn had none of that.

When she first pushed open the door to give me a look at her almost barren apartment, confusion ran through me.

This… she had to be joking, right?

But when I looked back at her, she just calmly closed and locked the door behind her while giving me a small smile. A smile that seemed almost…nervous.

The Quinn I knew wouldn’t get nervous, not unless I was in between her legs.

Maybe she was nervous that I would hate it.The thought caused butterflies to unleash in my stomach and guilt to hang over my head.

Stupid Blake.Of course she'd be nervous. This is her letting you into something. She probably never let anyone in, just like you.

It's hard to imagine how different my life has become since she came into it. Not long ago, I would have never even dared to bring someone home… and now I was making plans to run away with someone I barely knew.

But if I were being honest, I knew her just as well as I knew myself.

Both of us knew what it had been like to be shackled down. To be controlled by someone and forced to be the perfect model of whatever they wanted us to be.

Hers was an assassin, and mine just happened to be a submissive housewife.

“You probably don't have much time to decorate, huh?” I asked and walked into the room. “I mean, with you and all yourjobs.”

The nervous shell cracked slightly.

“I could use that as an excuse,” she said with a shrug. “But in actuality, I just never found the need to. The spaces that we had when I was growing up had to be… sterile, to put it lightly. We could hide things, but more often than not, they would come and find them.”