Page 10 of Don't Hate Me

I cursed under my breath and crawled forward. The strap-on was pulled out of me painfully, but I couldn’t even give it a reaction. Not whenhewas calling me.

What did I fucking do to deserve this?

I reached forward, grabbing the phone, and took a deep breath.

“Don’t you fucking speak,” I warned Payton.

She let out a laugh behind me as if she wasn’t at all bothered about my order. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wasn’t. I envied how much she just didn’t care about anything.

“Hello? Sir, is there something—”

“Tomorrow, my office. Nine a.m. sharp, agent.” The familiar voice of my boss broke through the speaker.

Shit.I hit my closed fist against my head.Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

“Sir, whatever it is, I can explain—”

“You can explain tomorrow,” he growled. “You better be in my office before I am, or you can kiss your badge goodbye.”

He hung up on me without a warning. I looked at the phone with a sigh. There were also three new messages from Bailey.

What’s this I hear about you with Payton?

Blake, answer me.

We talked about this.

Hands gripped my legs and flipped me over. I let out a gasp, and Payton lowered herself between my legs.

“Sounds like someone’s in trouble,” she sang, her breath hot on my swollen pussy. Sharp zaps of pleasure worked themselves through my core, expanding out into my belly and thighs.

“What did you hear?” I asked.

“Hear?” she asked, sending me a grin. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t hear anything.”

“Keep it that way.” I tangled my hand in her hair. “I have to go soon.”

She dragged her tongue up the length of my slit, causing a powerful shudder to work itself through me.

“Let’s forget about the world outside tonight, Blake,” she said before pulling my clit into her mouth.

I shouldn’t have let my head fall back. Shouldn’t have ridden her mouth until I came so hard I was sure people in the room overheard my cries. And I sure as hell shouldn’t have ignored Bailey while I did the same exact thing to Payton.

* * *

The slamming of files down caused me to jump.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Try not to let the urge to shoot this fucker in the head take over.

At first, I had been worried about being called into the corporate head office, but now I was just annoyed.

DC was beautiful, but it had been three hours since I sat my sore ass down on those stupid plastic chairs they had in the waiting room. Apparently, because of this meeting, I wasn’t able to wander around like how I normally would and was instead forced to sit outside and wait to be called on like a kid being punished by their principal.

Though this didn’t feel that much different.